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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The main issue though is the economic system, not the technology.

    My hope is that it shakes things up fast enough that they can’t boil the frog, and something actually changes.

    Having capable AI is a more blatantly valid excuse to demand a change in economic balance and redistribution. The only alternative would be destroy all technology and return to monkey. Id rather we just fix the system so that technological advancements don’t seem negative because the wealthy have already hoarded all new gains of every new technology for this past handful of decades.

    Such power is discretely weaponized through propaganda, influencing, and economic reorganizing to ensure the equilibrium stays until the world is burned to ash, in sacrifice to the lifestyle of the confidently selfish.

    I mean, we could have just rejected the loom. I don’t think we’d actually be better off, but I believe some of the technological gain should have been less hoardable by existing elite. Almost like they used wealth to prevent any gains from slipping away to the poor. Fixing the issue before it was this bad was the proper answer. Now people don’t even want to consider that option, or say it’s too difficult so we should just destroy the loom.

    There is a markov blanket around the perpetuating lifestyle of modern aristocrats, obviously capable of surviving every perturbation. every gain as a society has made that reality more true entirely due to the direction of where new power is distributed. People are afraid of AI turning into a paperclip maximizer, but that’s already what happened to our abstracted social reality. Maximums being maximized and minimums being minimized in the complex chaotic system of billions of people leads to inevitable increase of accumulation of power and wealth wherever it has already been gathered. Unless we can dissolve the political and social barrier maintaining this trend, it we will be stuck with our suffering regardless of whether we develop new technology or don’t.

    Although doesn’t really matter where you are or what system you’re in right now. Odds are there is a set of rich asshole’s working as hard as possible to see you are kept from any piece of the pie that would destabilize the status quo.

    I’m hoping AI is drastic enough that the actual problem isn’t ignored.

  • Left /r/canada because all of the racially/bigotry motivated posts I was seeing.

    Got banned from ogft for suggesting that racially/bigotry motivated posts aren’t excused when the target is the group you decide is the “bad group.” and that saying such a thing is not advocating defense of the bad actors on the other side doing the same thing.

    I guess just looking for a place to discuss Canadian things without people attacking others for their body they were born into, or things they otherwise have no control over is just a pipe dream.

    Imagine treating unique individuals as unique individuals, and not defining them or yourself entirely by the bodies you were born into.

    Im sorry my opinions are so spicy.

  • “What we found is a withering, uncertain and anti-working class government, happy to sell promises it never intended on keeping”

    I think this and the “hard work does not correlate with rewards” seem to be apt.

    Many are brought over with flowery words hiding the fact that they will be competing with an already struggling working class.

    Everybody I know thinks trying to raise a kid right now is not only unfeasable, but unethical. The couple working class people I know who had kids regardless are in debt and struggling despite working as much as they can.

    Then the newspapers post articles like “why are selfish lazy millennials choosing not to obtain things like homes and cars, or attempting to have children.”

    It’s frustrating and disgusting. Especially when you see things like the complete failure of antitrust. Big surprise that Rogers just locked out hundreds of old Shaw union workers.

    There’s something terribly wrong with the power imbalance, and this is more evidence to throw on the depressingly obvious pile.

  • I conflate these things because they come from the same intentional source. I associate the copywrite chasing lawyers with the brands that own them, it is just a more generalized example.

    Also an intern who can give you a songs lyrics are trained on that data. Any effectively advanced future system is largely the same, unless it is just accessing a database or index, like web searching.

    Copyright itself is already a terrible mess that largely serves brands who can afford lawyers to harass or contest infringements. Especially apparent after companies like Disney have all but murdered the public domain as a concept. See the mickey mouse protection act, as well as other related legislation.

    This snowballs into an economy where the Disney company, and similarly benefited brands can hold on to ancient copyrights, and use their standing value to own and control the development and markets of new intellectual properties.

    Now, a neuralnet trained on copywritten material can reference that memory, at least as accurately as an intern pulling from memory, unless they are accessing a database to pull the information. To me, sueing on that bases ultimately follows the logic that would dictate we have copywritten material removed from our own stochastic memory, as we have now ensured high dimensional informational storage is a form of copywrite infringement if anyone instigated the effort to draw on that information.

    Ultimately, I believe our current system of copywrite is entirely incompatible with future technologies, and could lead to some scary arguments and actions from the overbearing oligarchy. To argue in favour of these actions is to argue never to let artificial intelligence learn as humans do. Given our need for this technology to survive the near future as a species, or at least minimize the excessive human suffering, I think the ultimate cost of pandering to these companies may be indescribably horrid.

  • Music publishers sue happy in the face of any new technological development? You don’t say.

    If an intern gives you some song lyrics on demand, do they sue the parents?

    Do we develop all future A.I. Technology only when it can completely eschew copyrighted material from their comprehension?

    "I am sorry, I’m not allowed to refer to the brand name you are brandishing. Please buy our brand allowance package #35 for any action or communication regarding this brand content. "

    I dream of a future when we think of the benefit of humanity over the maintenance of our owners’ authoritarian control.

  • couple decent thoughts. That the real issue is more economic than technological is the reality that’s good to focus on.

    Others just really display how little they know about both the issue and the technology.

    “That AI is conceived and enabled by brilliant, ambitious, but immature men” was a bit of a funny line, because I’m wondering how you could defend that statement among minds like Melanie Mitchell. I mean, many of my favorites in the field are anything but “immature” In any way.

    Some complain about the Canadian standards of disregarding copyright for educational purposes. I’ve always thought that was something that shows great humanity in the face of a system fueled by greed.

    Remember when copyright only lasted a couple decades, and virtually everything else existed in public domain? We used to have these weird ideas like thinking about the betterment of the general public or educational systems were important for some reason.

    All of the complaints are extremely unspecific. Do they care about open source vs corporate? Do they even understand the basic concept of how these things work?

    Does our economic system need to be fixed? Yes. Are we going to get there by crying about the terror of the “soullessness” of machines and education? I doubt it.

  • It’s kinda gross. Also, not saying that shouldn’t be addressed, since it should, but I’m more concerned with the state of mobile app markets. Pick an game at random and i can probably show you a plethora of ways it is specifically designed to take advantage of subconscious habits and weaknesses. Especially of the vulnerable.

    I’ve seen children gathering and spending excessive money in the most unhealthy habitual ways conceivable, and it’s bad enough for vulnerable adults who weren’t trained into the mindset since youth.

    People don’t even understand the problem, and will defend the practice as their freedom. Who, while compelled by addiction, won’t be defensive when their problem is brought to light? But it’s bad enough that the popular opinion seems to be in defence of the practices.

    It’s just sitting perfectly within the gray area outside of people’s concerns or cares. the bastards with no qualms taking advantage of the vulnerable or incapable are running away with hundreds of billions of dollars. Money out of the pockets of those who couldn’t mentally compete with professionally developed and financed methods of manipulation.

    Deceptive designs are bad enough. Blatant scams or unethically disturbing advertisements should have been bad enough. Blatantly manipulating should be well over the mountain of shit that needs addressing on this front.

    Won’t even get into the topic of roblox…

  • Things should be moving in the other direction. The entire point of antitrust is to prevent things from getting to where they already are. None of the telecoms should be growing in power or consolidating at this point, and there was no good reason to allow it. There is already a disgusting overreach of power, and antitrust should be actively making changes to increase competition and set guardrails. Rogers should also not be gaining after they downed important services over the entire country for a whole day.

    Notably, the restrictions and promises made to allow the deal were an absolute joke, and the citizens come out last here. There was no reason to allow the insulting deal that was allowed.

    This 26 billion dollar deal is supposed to come with billions of dollars in required efforts. The punishment for failure is a fine that is… A fraction of what those efforts cost. 1/26 of what was spent on the deal paid over ten years.

    The amount of money given to these companies is already absurd.

    And now we are paying Rogers ten million for necessary due diligence? The power dynamic is beyond broken.

  • hey at least i got you to call them shit. so you are denying they have any interaction and influence in canada, and fuss over the name. CCP is commonly accepted.

    i also didn’t claim that chinese people in canada are all connected to the CCP. i did say that there should be more open dialogues stating that clearly for the dunderheads that can’t grasp that fact. oh wait, that’s “victim blaming” while instead i should be just trying to inflate into a race-war?

    friend i think you just racist, and use that as an excuse to not partake in actual conversation. or you just really really want people to fight each-other because of their race. you ignored my comparison to russians, made up more strawmen, and then made blanket statements about an entire race of people as if they’re some amalgamate whole.

    something i haven’t done.

    you could have just said “i don’t think there’s as much influencing from the CCP as you are lead to believe.”

    but that would almost be a conversation.

    you sad angry person. good luck with that.

  • you did a great job at ignoring everything i said and then misrepresenting me.

    "The perpetual foreigner mindset. They will never see certain people as Canadian. "

    this is directly antithetical to my beliefs and actions. although that won’t stop you from saying it.

    and at no point did i even mildly suggest that chinese canadians have to prove they aren’t CCP agents, or insinuate that they are any less canadian than i am.

    however i did suggest that a more open dialogue on the subject could help to dissuade that from being a popular mindset for people incapable of understanding nuanced situations.

    can’t have a single conversation without this strawman bullshit.

    from my understanding, there is enough reason to believe in and want to deal with CCP instating their authority in canada to affect canadians. i did also suggest that there might be difficulty in dealing with it openly due to pressure from an unethical authoritarian regime.

    if your argument is that there is no CCP influence problem, that’s another conversation, and i’m always available for new information. if your argument is that we shouldn’t care even if there is CCP influence, then i disagree with you.

    again, i am not and never would be defending the assholes or behavior stated in op’s article. if you could just say “no, stop, that’s bad.” and have the issue be fixed, this would be a lot more simple. that apparently won’t stop you from ignoring that nuance exists.

    i have never said anything negative about “chinese canadians” because that is a diverse and populous group of every kind of individual and mindset. just like any other large group of canadians that fit any other group label. that being said, i have a in intense loathing of the CCP and other authoritarian regimes. i say the same shit about russia. i also don’t agree with labelling all russians as evil, just because of the shitty situation caused by the authoritarian regime in charge.

    i am just doing my best to understand and react to a complicated and nuanced situation that affects many people, as well as the stability of our political structure. if you disagree with any of my points, make a note on that point. don’t ignore my intentionally phrased statements so that you can put words in my mouth and strawman my intentions into something else.

    you are helping nobody and doing nothing to improve the situation.

    maybe stop being an asshole and actually take part in a conversation.

  • Thanks for ignoring all nuance and intent, and taking a complicated issue with many different large groups of human beings, and boiling it down to one simple divisive segregational perspective that allows no nuanced understanding or solution.

    There’s more than one issue at play here. I’m not, and would never be defending the racist asshole’s in their actions. Unfortunately it’s a reality that many human-beings suck. I’m trying to address the issues that have been exacerbating this activity.

    Rather, I had no assumption that the racism was coming exclusively from white people in the first place, so I’m finding your emphasis weird.

    Keep in mind the issue is of different informational, cultural, and political manifolds interacting. My statement wasn’t to “blame”. Chinese Canadians, but to encourage a system that both deals with the very real trouble with the CCP, and encouraging an open dialogue that emphasises the separation of the real issue from race. This is to solve underlying problems, and to remove the excuses and ignorance of the bad actors.

    This dialogue is currently discouraged due to a pro CCP ideology that’s so strong that the CCP are able to police communities within our country. This is why my emphasis, and call for better government solutions to allow anonymous defense for Chinese Canadians against CCP police, and encourage removal of the CCP from our country, regardless of how many actually support the CCP.

    Especially if things are happening like the CCP threatening or holding family members that are still in China. If this issue isn’t addressed, I don’t see it improving.

    I also emphasized that the foreign investor problem is one of government regulation, so no victim blaming there either.

    Do you have a better solution to the actual problem? Or are you just going to ignore all of that and continue trying to instigate a race war?

  • It’s really unfortunate that the general public is so bad at nuance. I’m sure there’s an uptick in people who can’t distinguish between criticism of the ccp and of Chinese/Asian people in general. Mixed with influence of shitty American politics, it turns into more racist actions as described. I am slightly curious about the control stats on the increased reporting of violent actions such as coughing and spitting though. I feel like the general service industry has seen an uptick in that behaviour since covid started. Really hard not to lose faith in humanity while working in the service industry.

    The issue of wealthy foreign investors buying up housing is specifically an issue of the wealthy investors, not all Chinese people. Again I don’t expect the less nuanced public to know how to keep issues separate.

    There are obvious real issues which inspire the friction that is happening. I.E. Nothing being done by the Canadian government about the foreign investors, and shit like the ccp authoritarian police that are able to spread ccp influence in Canada. They also do not mind using unethical means to spread or enhance their influence, which makes it harder for any ccp critical rhetoric to influence Chinese populations inside and outside of Canada. Mixed with any violent racism from other Canadians, I only see more divisiveness and difficulty finding cooperation.

    I think the latter issue needs more help from the Chinese Canadians, although anything criticizing the ccp is often labeled as criticizing the Chinese people. Again, by every group. The extreme defensiveness of many Chinese Canadians towards the unethical authoritarian regime is likely making this entire issue much more difficult to solve. and again I think that particular issue needs more influence from the Canadian government on the general public distinguishing Chinese Canadians from the ccp, because apparently some idiots can’t comprehend these things as exclusive and individual. The Chinese Canadians should be just as vocally rallied against the authoritarian regime influencing our country. this can be hard if there is still an otherwise strong positive opinion about china as a whole, because separating china as a whole and the authoritarian government that holds it is again not first thought for many people. strong family associations and ties can also make this extremely difficult. like most things, it’s a multidimensional concept hell that’s completely unique to each individual. The more other Canadians see Chinese Canadians criticizing the ccp, I think the more the concepts can be separated by the less nuanced individuals. Hopefully this attitude would also make its way to the idiots who do the hate crimes, and racial divisiveness could be lowered. Is there anything more the Canadian government can do to discourage ccp police authoritative power in Canada? Or to encourage Chinese Canadians in anonymously weeding them out while giving a platform to Chinese Canadians who are against ccp authoritarian influence?

    Again, I believe encouraging the Canadian mindsets of communication, patience, and cohesiveness are the only ways to improve things. Recognize, denounce, and discourage the bad actors on every side.

    I expect exactly none of this to happen. Ccp gonna ccp. Shitty people gonna shitty people. People are going to continue being divisive and segregationalist instead of growing together. I’ll just sit here and continue being sad as it all happens.

  • Might have to edit this after I’ve actually slept.

    human emotion and human style intelligences are not exclusive in the entire realm of emotion and intelligence. I define intelligence and sentience on different scales. I consider intelligence the extent of capable utility and function, and emotion as just a different set of utilities and functions within a larger intelligent system. Human style intelligence requires human style emotion. I consider gpt an intelligence, a calculator an intelligence, and a stomach an intelligence. I believe intelligence can be preconscious or unconscious. Rather, a part of consciousness independent from a functional system complex enough for emergent qualia and sentience. Emotions are one part in this system exclusive to adaptation within the historic human evolutionary environment. I think you might be underestimating the alien nature of abstract intelligences.

    I’m not sure why you are so confident in this statement. You still haven’t given any actual reason for this belief. You are addressing it as consensus, so there should be a very clear reason why no successful considerably intelligent function exists without human style emotion.

    You have also not defined your interpretation of what intelligence is, you’ve only denied that any function untied to human emotion could be an intelligent system.

    If we had a system that could flawlessly complete françois chollet’s abstraction and reasoning corpus, would you suggest it is connected to specifically human emotional traits due to its success? Or is that still not intelligence if it still lacks emotion?

    You said neural function is not intelligence. But you would also exclude non-neural informational systems such as collective cooperating cell systems?

    Are you suggesting the real time ability to preserve contextual information is tied to emotion? Sense interpretation? Spacial mapping with attention? You have me at a loss.

    Even though your stomach cells interacting is an advanced function, it’s completely devoid of any intelligent behaviour? Then shouldn’t the cells fail to cooperate and dissolve into a non functioning system? again, are we only including higher introspective cognitive function? Although you can have emotionally reactive systems without that. At what evolutionary stage do you switch from an environmental reaction to an intelligent system? The moment you start calling it emotion? Qualia?

    I’m lacking the entire basis of your conviction. You still have not made any reference to any aspect of neuroscience, psychology, or even philosophy that explains your reasoning. I’ve seen the opinion out there, but not strict form or in consensus as you seem to suggest.

    You still have not shown why any functional system capable of addressing complex tasks is distinct from intelligence without human style emotion. Do you not believe in swarm intelligence? Or again do you define intelligence by fully conscious, sentient, and emotional experience? At that point you’re just defining intelligence as emotional experience completely independent from the ability to solve complex problems, complete tasks, or make decisions with outcomes reducing prediction error. At which point we could have completely unintelligent robots capable of doing science and completing complex tasks beyond human capability.

    At which point, I see no use in your interpretation of intelligence.