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“If there were an Oscar for best theatrical performance by a country, Israel would win every year. It’s a country based on theater. It’s a lunatic state - completely insane”.

Norman Finkelstein

  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • Yes, the plot that the FBI uncovered

    “We have intercepted electronic communication indicating that al-Qaeda members are actively plotting to stay out of the way while America as we know it gradually crumbles under the weight of its own self-inflicted debt and disrepair,” FBI Deputy Director Mark F. Giuliano told the assembled press corps. “If this plan succeeds, it will leave behind a nation with a completely dysfunctional economy, collapsing infrastructure, and a catastrophic health crisis afflicting millions across the nation. We want to emphasize that this danger is very real.”

    “Praise Allah, for soon every American city shall be plagued with disaster and hardship,” al-Zawahiri said in the video, which includes several minutes of footage of young, masked al-Qaeda militants casually sipping beverages as they thumb through the latest issues of Time and U.S. News And World Report. “The infidels have brought this pain and destruction upon themselves through their arrogance and callousness. Soon, the United States will watch in horror as its bridges crumble, its desperate citizens suffer in want of medicine and paying employment, and its once vast riches are reduced to naught. The righteous warriors among our ranks must now unite, get comfortable, and look on from afar at the calamity unfolding in the West.”


  • He didn’t facilitate anything.

    Who are you lying to? Did you miss when the US vetoed the UN ceasefire and when the White House called it repugnant? https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142507

    Muslim Egypt could have allowed all civilians to leave Gaza but they didn’t. Muslim Turkey could have evacuated Palestine’s civilians by sea but they didn’t.

    Why? Palestinians are from Palestine. Why should Egypt or Turkey facilitate Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? FYI Egypt is a secular state and 10% are Christian.

    Muslim Gazans could have overthrown Hamas but they didn’t.

    Do you think people in the US should be punished for whoever wins the elections? Should people in the US overthrow their government if it does something awful like bankroll a genocide? 50% of Gazans are children, they can’t overthrow anyone. FYI: resistance to occupation and apartheid is both legal by international laws and moral.

    And did you not know that there are plenty of Christians and non Arabs in Palestine too?

    Yes I know. Justin Amish Palestinian American Christian had relatives of him murdered by Israel who were sheltering in a church in Gaza. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/palestinian-christians-accuse-western-church-of-complicity-in-gaza-deaths/ar-AA1iCrpk

    No self respecting human being cares care only about 1 particular religion or 1 particular ethnic group.

    I agreed. Maybe you should learn to care about Palestinians.

    Do you know how ridiculous it is that Jews and Muslim are fighting each other because they have different imaginary friends? It will keep on happening forever until you rise above religion and value all of humanity.

    It is not a religious war. David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister) phrased it well: “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121. [emphasis mine]

  • If it is true that “arabs see US as complicit in Israel’s Gaza war”, then it is up to yourself to help them see the actual truth and not the lies.

    The US is complicit from vetoing the UN ceasefire to arming and bankrolling Israel’s genocide. I am sure deep down you are a good person except misled. The truth is as Arabs and the rest of the world see it. If you don’t care about Palestinians lives -which is apparent- you should at least care about the US’s image.

    Here are some key quotes from a Financial Times article titled “Rush by west to back Israel erodes developing countries’ support for Ukraine”

    “We have definitely lost the battle in the Global South,” said one senior G7 diplomat. “All the work we have done with the Global South [over Ukraine] has been lost . . . Forget about rules, forget about world order. They won’t ever listen to us again.”

    Many developing countries have traditionally supported the Palestinian cause, seeing it through the prism of self-determination and a push against the global dominance of the US, Israel’s most important backer.

    “What we said about Ukraine has to apply to Gaza. Otherwise we lose all our credibility,” the senior G7 diplomat added. “The Brazilians, the South Africans, the Indonesians: why should they ever believe what we say about human rights?”

    Since last Sunday, many of those officials told the Financial Times they have had the same argument read back at them in demands for condemnation of Israel’s retaliatory assault on Gaza, and of its decision to restrict water, electricity and gas supplies there.

    “I mean, let’s be frank. This is a gift from heaven for Russia,” said a senior EU official. “I think it’s damaging what’s happening . . . because Russia is exploiting the crisis and saying, ‘Look, the global order that has been built after the second world war is not working for you,’ and addressing 1bn inhabitants in the Middle East or in the Arab world.”

    “What New Delhi, Jakarta and Brasília want to see is a common position on these issues, and consistency. And if they don’t see that . . . then on the major global issues there’s a certain danger EU, G7, Nato will not be taken seriously,” said Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, former Nato secretary-general.

    “We, the west, do not call the shots any more, and the Global South says: ‘Please, we have a voice as well which you have neglected for some time,’” added de Hoop Scheffer, now chair of the Clingendael Institute, a Dutch think-tank.

    Archived link to article: https://archive.ph/ctAhD

    In 2004 I couldn’t wait to vote for John Kerry on the hopes he will put an end to the Bush’s war on terror. In 2008 and 2012 I watched Obama promise and underdeliver, specially on the never-ending wars. In 2016 I voted for Clinton because Trump was apparently worse. In 2020 I voted for Biden despite knowing he is a Zionist and warmonger because I hoped he was still a decent person that acknowledges basic facts like climate change and maybe the progressives can push him to the left. I have now learned I have been scammed and fearmongered into voting Democratic, only to get a massive genocide.

    The carnage in Gaza exceeds anything I witnessed my whole life in terms of scale. The number of children dead exceeds anything I saw my whole life. You may be kept in the dark about what’s going on in Palestine and so I encourage you to get informed.