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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Ok. Show me where the propaganda is? Is it hiding in the recipe videos or cat videos or memes on my page that were made by other Americans? This is a bs excuse that way too many of you gobbled up simply because you wanted to believe it. The actual issue here is that millions of Americans aren’t profiting American corporations and they hate that. So the corporations that basically run our country at this point found a way to put a stop to it. Now they’ll try to buy up all of our data, without our consent as usual, under the guise of protecting it for us.

    As an American, my own government ignored millions its citizens telling them we don’t want this and quietly banned it by tucking it away inside of other bills. As an American, my own government is using my tax dollars to fund a genocide while declining to feed school kids and protect women’s rights. As an American, I’m disappointed in my fellow Americans’ eagerness to dismiss and defend this extremely unpatriotic act by our government.

    Take a look at the buffoons “protecting us” and tell me you still believe they have good intentions and aren’t just fear mongering.

    https://youtu.be/5W-ufw5Z7ac?si=byjdYoRRl5qx6jUL https://youtu.be/cuCk4ofsTkM?si=kf6m1BzB2fuaGr4x

    They don’t even know basic geography or how the internet works ffs. Feel free to watch the whole thing. It was long but really eye opening to see just how little the people representing us actually understand about the world we live in.

  • It’s not going to change ownership because they have said in no uncertain terms that they won’t and can’t sell. They can’t legally sell their algorithm anyway which is basically the whole point of the app. So even if they did, which they have stated they can’t and won’t, it’ll be a skeleton of what we have now at best. At that point it’ll just be them selling our data to some shitty US corporation which honestly pisses me off more. The people said no to this, they pushed it through anyway, and to top it off we’re once again just having our data handed over to the top bidder. We should be used to people using our data without our consent but it feels especially shitty this time considering we said no.

    What kind of content do you think it’s providing that’s so much more dangerous in some other countries hands? Also, why should I care if China profits off my data when the US has been stealing and abusing it for their own purposes for years anyway?

  • They also snuck the TikTok ban in there. I know a lot of old and out of touch folks on here think it’s a good thing to ban the “dancing app” but is it? They couldn’t get enough support to do it as a single issue the last two times they tried so the shoved it into this one to get their way. Ludicrous that our government doesn’t even pretend to work for us anymore. It wasn’t banned to protect us. It was banned to boost and protect their income.

  • Meanwhile, I think a lot of purified water tastes kind of bitter and metallic compared to my own tap water. I generally don’t like purified water unless it’s ice cold. I can taste the minerals in tap water of course but it’s not unpleasant to me. It probably just depends on the area. I’ve noticed the tap water in some states tastes really bad by comparison to mine

  • Yeah, no shit. That doesn’t justify throwing our votes away on candidates that simply have no chance. Trying “something different” for the sake of saying you tried something different does nothing but feed your own ego. In the meantime poc, women, and the lgbtq community will be thrown under the bus with another trump presidency.

    I’m honestly skeptical of anyone that’s pushing for not voting or for voting 3rd party because republicans are pushing this narrative hard right now. They know nobody sane will vote for trump so their best bet is to discourage voting for either candidate. If you’re not working for the republican party on purpose you honestly might as well be since you’re spreading the same rhetoric they are.

  • The fact that you would compare the “young people” fed up with the ridiculous state of our news media to maga just shows me that you’re out of touch. You can’t just google this stuff or do a quick search on tiktok and magically know what you’re talking about. It’s so egotistical that you wrote all of that and you have clearly not spent a single solitary second experiencing most of the things your opinions are based on.

    I’m not “young people” and I think you’d have to be willfully ignorant to not see where they’re coming from in regards to the sorry state of our news media.