ObamaSama [he/him]

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Damn I wish, I’d be all over the pretentious introvert app. I totally understand you though, I’ve been hitting a wall of meeting really beautiful, fun people that I don’t have any interest in because we don’t actually talk. A physical connection can only go so far before things fizzle out. I mean it’s not like language doesn’t have its own inherent limitations that prevent you from truly connecting with someone but fuck it’s the best thing we have.

    You identified the unfortunate root of the problem: people that will talk your ear off about Lacan are probably not going to be out clubbing every weekend. Dating apps are realistically one of the only ways but it’s still so hard to find like minded people there. I really wish I had a solution for ya, still trying to figure that one out myself. Try not to chalk it up as a personal failure though, being single is absolutely fine! It’s hard to do but the more you put yourself out there and open yourself to new experiences the better your odds will be. You can occasionally get lucky and meet the coolest person in your life at a temple stay deep in some Korean mountains but it never lasts 😭

  • I woke up to half a dozen “sky is falling” RH notifications, saw my portfolio down 10%, shrugged, and went on with my day. I imagine it would be pretty stressful if I actually had money or, god forbid, open call options. Hooray for not having any real stake in the capital market, let it all burn 🔥

    Kinda wild how many Americans’ retirement plans and long term financial stability are completely dependent on the whims of the market tho, genuinely disgusting how siding with the capitalists is presented as the only option if you want to be allowed to retire. Like yeah dude let me just give you my money and tie my future to the well being of the market with the promise that maybe I can get a tiny drop of that stolen surplus in the future. If the market isn’t crashing while I’m trying to retire of course. Glad an entire generation doesn’t have a brutal case of Stockholm syndrome because of it

    grillman porky-happy

  • Insane kdr on these fellas, impressive stuff. I have a suspicion the Chinese are cheating to pump their stats though (real gamers know it’s endemic in their culture after all). Just seems sus that Mao could get more than 3x second place, probably used some exploit

    EDIT: checked the “source” and the dictator perk is giving him kills for everyone that died in the country for any reason, soooo broken. Prime minister doesn’t proc on anything, fuckin bullshit

  • Airport scanners have a problem with my genitals so nearly every single time I go through I get a red square there and “require” a pat down. It’s usually a quick obligatory show that seems completely ineffective as they don’t touch anywhere near the actual area in question. I make a subtle joke about my massive cock and balls, they laugh at the machine complimenting me, and I move on in under a minute.

    However, sometimes there’s a false positive when they test their gloves after and then all my luggage gets searched through, accompanied by a barrage of questions. That’s when the vibe totally switches and they become very antagonistic. Once you’re seen as suspicious they go full cop brain and try their hardest to put the pressure on to make you crack. Even when they don’t find anything at all you’re still guilty in their eyes so they try to turn the most banal and innocent things into an excuse to “prove” you’re up to no good. I’m sure they have fantasies of being the one to stop some super dangerous terrorist (and then reflexively justify the whole security theater) so they will try to warp the facts to make you that dangerous terrorist if you catch their ire. You’re put in a position of having to prove your innocence rather than them having to prove your guilt, the absence of anything incriminating isn’t sufficient for them.

    I’m lucky that I pass the initial vibe check just by virtue of being a “normal” looking white guy so I’m only subject to that extra scrutiny after failing two of their screening processes, many others are seen as sus by default. I’ve seen how ugly they can get once they decide you “deserve” it and can’t imagine how rough it must be to deal with that every time

  • I fully agree that it’s a dumb question that presupposes the existence of some ethereal “essence” for the question to not be completely preposterous. My ex did not see it that way and did legitimately get very upset with me for responding in a similar way to the OP.

    I think the anger was based on her concept of love being an idealized force that transcends the physical and can truly be “forever” which also would necessitate there being some lingering trace of a person remaining regardless of their physical form. Not sure though, she didn’t exactly elaborate and just screamed at me for a while

  • I think the key point here is depreciation, the dollar amount of aid they’re sending is based on the current book value of equipment. I was able to find some documentation listing the depreciation method the DoD uses and the useful lives of various asset classes here: https://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/documents/fmr/archive/04arch/04_06_Jun08.pdf

    They use straight line depreciation or a special “activity based” method for some specific equipment so the useful life of say, a stinger missile, would be either 5 or 10 years based on the tables there. That $100k missile could be listed on the books as only $40k three years after purchase or even $0 if it’s older than five years. I can only assume the military uses such an aggressive depreciation method to justify constant funding to feed the MIC by replacing “outdated” tech and selling it off/giving it to allies. I don’t think anyone could reasonably argue that a rifle is suddenly obsolete and worth nothing after sitting in an armory for 5 years but that’s how they put it on the books 🤷‍♂️

  • Jokes on them, I’m in a subconscious state of gooning at all times. I am at such an advanced level I can simply close my eyes and instantly bust in my pants handsfree. I will goon at work the entire time and there’s nothing they can do to stop me since it’s all in my head.

    But seriously these wet dreams need to fucking stop, I’ve had them while in bed with a partner I just nutted in a few hours before. Staying at a friends place, accidentally getting cum on their couch, and then trying to stealthily clean up in the middle of the night is not something any person should have to deal with regularly