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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2024


  • Why is this number so drastically higher than other numbers I’ve seen? I thought it was in the 40 thousands?

    There was a Lancet study a while back that said the real number of deaths is likely five times the official number. Now that specific study doesn’t have to be 100% correct, but it’s a plain fact that the official number is a severe understatement, for two reasons:

    First, the official number is the number of dead bodies the Gaza Health Ministry physically counted. It’s the number ofphysically confirmed deaths. That’s why they could release those lists of dead people, but it also means that anyone whose body wasn’t taken to a hospital (say, someone starved in the middle of nowhere or died under rubble) won’t be counted. This makes the GHM number the minimum possible number of deaths, not any kind of estimate trying to make up for blind spots.

    Second, the Gazan healthcare system collapsed months ago. Most if not all hospitals got Al Shifa’d, and the ones working don’t have gas, electricity or any supplies. This is why the number plateaued (plateau’d???) several months ago. There’s nobody to count the dead, so because of the system I explained above the number is going up.

    So anyway, what you’re seeing in the article isn’t that. It’s an estimate trying to make up for the dead who aren’t included in the 40000 the GHM counted. That’s the reason it’s so high.

  • Hamas did not lead any peace talks worth a damn

    2008? 2012? 2013? These were all serious peace talks where they were unambiguously stiffed by Israel with clear malicious intent.

    has only ever consisted of attacks on civilians, usually by firing missiles at settlements in unambiguously Israeli territory (attacking military installations or even settlements in the West Bank would’ve been at leriast somewhat defensible, but that’s not what they’ve been doing)

    These attacks serve to cost Israel money needed to run the iron dome, and in large quantities can be a way of exerting political pressure (see: 2021) and causing economic losses by forcing evacuations. It’s not pretty, but it works.

    then hiding behind their own civilian population to hinder Israeli retaliation, getting them killed in the process.

    I’ve literally never seen evidence for this. And please don’t tell me they put their headquarters in residential areas because literally every military in the world does that. The human shields argument is, when you get down to it, taking issue with the fact that Hamas exists in Gaza, which is… Yeah.

    They also did all that from Gaza, an area that Israel de-occupied after the Second Intifada, and which could have served as a positive example of peaceful Palestinian self-government and eventually independence instead of the opposite.

    Educate yourself. This is too wrong to correct it all, but let me just point out that the blockade started immediately after the deoccupation and that Gaza is still considered occupied by the UN. Israel never had any intention of allowing peaceful Palestinian existence.