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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2023


  • But they know that, which is why healthcare costs have consistently increased higher than inflation.

    Healthcare is one of THE MOST demand inelastic commodities or services. People do not say “oooh that’s a lot of money - is there a worse doctor who is cheaper?”, instead they say “100% yes I will remortgage my home and sell assets to pay for the cancer treatment my child needs.” Nobody is at the free clinic by choice, they’re there because they cannot afford or borrow to pay for better care.

    Capitalism is incompatible with ‘rational consumer purchasing choices’ that apply to clothes, food, TVs, etc. because when there’s death or life altering negative outcomes, the only rational decision is to pay WHATEVER the price demanded is. Healthcare has a demand wall, not a demand curve.

  • You are not part of the community of Israel… You are not part of the national democratic camp which we all belong to in this house, and many of the people despise you. You are not partners in the Zionist enterprise. You are a foreign implant. You are an errant weed. Sensible Judaism spits you out. You placed yourself outside the wall of Jewish law… We say to this horrible man and those like him: you are a shame on Zionism and an embarrassment to Judaism.

    Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, after the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre.

    I’ve haven’t seen such a strong condemnation of Jewish extremism or terrorism since from any MK or PM. The current lot are instead fanning the flames actively, and I’m glad to see someone in the government call Itmar out publicly.

  • Per the Tesla patent, they took the approach of laminating dissimilarly toughened layers with a special adhesive. Unlike actual ballistic glass using a polycarbonate/polymer layer in the stack, Tesla’s 100% glass and glue is just better than tempered:

    …at most a 10% chance of failure with an impact of 2 J.

    However this glass type is rejected on the side and rear windows by everyone else, because it slows emergency rescue efforts - laminated windshield glass is difficult enough when no other rescue path is available.

  • Correct. Dress it up however you like, but LLM and ML programs are probability gamblers all the way down. We’re building a conversation tool, that doesn’t truly comprehend the language because it’s a calculator at its core - it’s like asking your eyeballs to see in UHF frequencies.

    They’re called “computers” for a reason, and we are deep in the myopic tech tree of further and further complexity. The current wave of AI has solid potential, but not globally for all applications. It is a great at ‘digital assistant’ roles and is already killing it in CCTV monitoring software. Mindjourney can make incredible images, but it can’t make art. ChatGPT can write, but it’s a terrible author or speechwriter.

  • I dislike his odds too, but if Joe isn’t bowing out, the only option left is a really ugly infight at the convention that miiiight lead to superdelegates coming into play if there’s a contested primary and the first round doesn’t deliver a clear nomination for Joe.

    Biden is too deep on his own “comeback kid” narrative to step down now that the donor class (mostly) got back in line, and the party apparatus sees the reality on the wall. There’s nobody but Joe, unless he wants there to be someone else, and “the lord almighty” hasn’t weighed in on his candidacy yet.

    I just really, really hope that this doesn’t affect downticket races and deliver a divided government in a Biden win, or a Republican majority otherwise. The Senate is a 19:11 seat Rep:Dem contest this cycle, and the rest are tossups.