MaeBorowski [she/her]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2022


  • I can’t find any evidence of a 2021 edition of “In God’s Path” being published. The book was originally published in 2015, and there doesn’t appear to be any subsequent editions. Which means that what you found is almost certainly a hijacked textbook. Some fascist piece of shit is passing off their own fascist rhetoric as academic text. Since it looks like your prof is in the clear for not actually teaching a course on Islamic history with disgustingly Islamophobic text, I would encourage you to tell them about this. It’s fairly likely that you’re not the only student who downloaded this load of chauvinist lies thinking it is the real text they’re meant to study, but other students might not be so aware of how blatantly false (and fascist) it is. If your instructor is actually cool, then this could end up being a good opportunity for a teaching moment even.

  • Come on, Dirt_Owl, you have bootstraps just like everyone else. If you really wanted to, you could pull on those a little harder. The fact that you don’t just means you don’t care about other people, especially people who do. If you keep being so selfish and expecting everyone else to accommodate you just because you’re “poor,” then what’s next? Are you going to start whining like all those welfare-sucking dirty homeless who have it so easy with no adult responsibilities but are always complaining about how those of us good and hard-working people who did make the right decision to pull on our bootstraps owe them a mansion or something? Ew. Don’t pretend like this isn’t entirely your decision to be this way.

  • my ecology professor is literally teaching that survival of the fittest is about genetic superiority and that evolution is about working towards that ‘goal’.

    That demonstrates a deep misunderstanding of how evolution works. It is a common misconception in the general public (partly because it is beneficial to right-wing ideology for it to be perpetuated, as you mentioned), but a misconception that even a kinda competent biology layman would know better than to believe. It’s nothing short of shameful that an ecology professor is repeating such a thing. To do that as a supposed authority on the subject is actively misleading students, it’s worse to teach a falsehood than it is just to leave them ignorant.

    I obviously don’t know your situation specifically or how things like this work in Australia, but if I were still a student and my prof was saying those things, I would definitely complain about it to the department chair or someone who has the power to intervene. I don’t know if your professor is just woefully uninformed/misinformed on the subject they’re teaching, or if they’re repeating this misconception because they have a reactionary political agenda. But either way it’s horrible and shouldn’t be allowed to stand imo.

  • It’s been a while since I skimmed through that Doctorow essay, but I have always thought the term, at least as originally intended, implied that enshittification was an inevitability, a direction that any and every proprietary social media platform under capitalism will tend towards over time. If so, it seems it is still mostly in line with what you’re saying, and should help make clear that the nostalgia people have for the “good old times” on a profit-driven platform is false, since the kind of degradation that “enshitification” refers to is inherently built in from the start.

  • The image in OP is what is toxic. Fostering a kind of echo chamber where the people who disagree with the prevailing narrative and bring reasoned arguments that contradict it get written off as “foreign agents” is extremely toxic, also nationalistic, and often borderline racist. It’s also childish. Pointing out how childish it is to tell someone “you’re just a RuSsIaN bOt!” because you don’t like what they have to say is definitely not toxic, quite the opposite.

  • What a laughable deflection. Politicians give a shit what the voting public in aggregate does, dipshit. If they don’t give a shit what you think, why are you advocating for one half of them? Why are you trying (and failing so bad it’s funny) to argue that people should vote for one team of them that you think are “less bad”?

    but I’m not so far up my own ass that I don’t care about the consequences of my actions.

    Like, do you really not care that you completely contradict yourself from one comment to the next, or hell, from one sentence to the next?

    More people will die if Trump wins, and that is all that matter to me.

    Meanwhile Biden & Harris fund a literal, undeniable genocide. You are such a clown I’d think it was impressive if it weren’t so disgusting.

    If you think that’s supporting genocide then you can take you sick bizarro logic and shove it up your ass.

    Yeah, refusing to vote for genocidaires is “sick, bizarro logic” but sending them your approval by voting and stanning for the genocidaires is “fighting fascism.” Nah, you can take your sick, twisted, fascist-apologist illogical rationalizations and shove them up your ass, you sycophantic loser.

  • And serious, how can you not understand even after RvW that doing nothing is still better for you than what the Republicans will do.

    The republicans do it anyway!! The republicans do what they want, the democrats allow them to while raking in donations by telling everyone how mean the republicans are! It’s not that the democrats are better because they don’t do bad things but republicans do, it’s that they are both parts of the same machine that does these things, playing their respective roles! How can you be so fucking blind as not see the blatant “good cop/bad cop” routine for what it is?? And yet you are calling other people morons (ableist language by the way, asshole) for trying to get this very obvious reality through to you!

  • Doing other things than voting doesn’t stop you from voting. It takes 5 minutes every couple years. It is literally the least you can do

    Voting for someone abetting a genocide (Biden, Harris) is endorsing that genocide. If the democrats win an election after funding a genocide, what kind of mesage is that sending all politicians, whether you like them or not? It’s telling them that they can commit genocide without repercussion, they can commit genocide and still have the support of the voting public. Voting for genocidaires (let alone defending them and trying to get others to do the same) makes you complicit in the current genocide as well as the ones that are sure to follow due to green light given to those who perpetrate them. You’re telling Democrats and any other politicians “as long as you give lip service to the things I care about - no need to follow through on them btw - then you can go ahead and murder entire nationalities and ethnic groups the world over, it’s ok, I’ll still vote for you.” Fucking disgusting.

  • There will be more after Trump and Netanyahu, and I will fight them as well. I will fight every fascist at every opportunity every time.

    Why aren’t you fighting the other half of the exact same fascist machine then? Instead you insist on carrying water for the fascists that put on a civil facade. That’s not fighting fascism, that’s aiding it.

    Why won’t you?

    Oh fuck OFF. Nakoichi just fucking told you they have been doing REAL work to fight fascists for over 2 decades, but you completely ignore that. Such obvious bad faith.

  • Ever since the API crackdown thing especially, they’ve going through and quietly banning all kinds of subs that might scare advertisers, or that they just don’t like for political reasons. The venn diagram for those two things has a lot of overlap of course. They’ve been killing off small leftist subs (as we know, they killed off the bigger ones a while back now), piracy subs, porn subs (no tears shed from me about that, though I expect it will probably end up hurting sex workers too like that sort of thing always does) etc. I think r/piracy is so big that there would be enough backlash which makes reddit reluctant to axe it, but I expect it will be on the block too before much longer. But for example, r/fmovies was banned last month.

    Anyway, I expect the ban on r/TransDIY is that part of the venn diagram that it scares advertisers and is something reddit is politically in opposition to. Like What_Religion_R_They said, the reasoning and justification they’ll use is bullshit about it being potentially harmful to minors.