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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I still remember watching their debate, live, and Biden running circles around that fucking idiot because all he could do was jibber jabber nonsense, and continually kept talking over Biden during Biden’s turn. I then had people try to tell me that Biden was too old to debate, that Trump ran circles around Biden, and that Trump had taken the win for the debate.

    It was at this time, where I fully became radicalized. I realized that the reality that I watched in real time, was not the same reality that these people were in.

    Anyway, I’m assuming Biden will still run circles around Trump, whether he be there or not. Maybe this time, Biden will actually get to use his time to talk without the orange fucking idiot opening his.

  • TLDR: You should be upset these fucks are spending our tax money on banning an app, instead of using our tax money on more important shit like people living in the streets, kids going hungry in schools, kids being sent to work at the age of 12+, and medical debt being an inch away from us all. You should all be as upset as I am. The fact you aren’t, is very very concerning.

    I truly do not care about the app that much.

    You’re right. It is one of the many forms we have to communicate with each other.

    My main comment point was that they are banning some silly little app instead of addressing way more important things.

    It’s insane that they are banding together for the first time in years (besides when they want to increase their paychecks!) where there unanimous backing from both sides.

    That’s all my comment was trying to get across.

    You have people cheering that these fucks have banded together to get an app banned, but they can’t even agree to feed children.

    “Yeah! I HATE TikTok, this is GOOD news!” But refuse to look at ALL the other issues going on that should definitely be a way higher priority than some stupid app.

    That’s the main point. There’s no hidden conspiracy to find. It’s the fact we care so much about banning an app, but not about more important shit like feeding our fellow citizens and making sure our children are cared for properly.

    Insane. It’s just insane to me we’re fine with our government spending our taxes and shit on this.

  • I don’t understand where you’re getting hung up on the talking to each other part. It’s not some conspiracy? I was describing the app in its form.

    Short video sometimes long video, frustrated person talking about how insane it is to experience the shit we are experiencing here in the states, I agree with frustrated person, I go to comments, I see a great many others who recount their shit experiences, don’t take them all at face value because that would be stupid, but realize that I am not alone in wanting shit to go back to reality. I want actual adults, leading the world, doing the right things. Everyone likes to sit here and talk about complex issues like that means it’s impossible to fucking solve. I can’t believe we have come to this point.

  • Nothing has to be perfect. It just has to work, and mostly work for the people. When it comes to laws, that is.

    Now, let me understand you clearly. You still think that banning some silly little app, where probably in your opinion (since I take it you don’t use it for the “debatable” part) it’s just a bunch of people doing challenges or dancing or whatever silly shit you have in your mind of what’s on there, but you don’t seriously think there are just a little more important shit going on right now than some stupid app, who’s only authoritarian reach on me in the last 4 years is the stupid ads paid for by the shitty companies here in America, like KIDS being told that since they can’t afford to pay for their lunch, they don’t get to EAT!?

    And you’re worried about a fucking APP?!

    Holy. Fuck.

  • I completely disagree with your reasoning. As I have stated above, all that I’ve ever been shown is some funny videos sure, but MOSTLY average people like myself who are constantly fucked by those above us all and voice their opinions, freely, on the app. I finally have an app where people aren’t posting pictures of their selves trying to pretend they’re happy. I finally have an app where I can hear others who think about the systemic injustices constantly bombarding us in this digital era.

    It’s quite funny you say they got this one right, but they also allow censoring of our “news” stations here, and the content that is on american social medias. you do see that, right? So, it’s okay in your eyes, for a foreign app to be banned, but no restrictions for the apps that american companies deploy that also have a narrative to push? you don’t think this could’ve been a SWEEPING bill that includes ALL social medias? Why just this one? It has been proven that Russia and Chinese bot farms are swamping Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Why is this not something they care about? Truly, I want to hear this from you.

    Why do you think they want to ban this ONE app? To prevent data from leaking out? What data homie? Millions of people crying out to each other that their system is rigged against them?

    Are you insane?