Lettuce eat lettuce

Always eat your greens!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Sure, Russia can peacefully withdraw from all the Ukrainian territory they seized and respect the long-established border of Ukraine.

    Russia is the largest country by area in the world, with trillions of dollars of natural resources/rare-earth materials. It shares borders with China, the up-and-coming other world power, and borders the pacific ocean, allowing for trade routes to some of the wealthiest and most powerful countries in the world.

    But instead of harnessing those resources, shoring up power and influence with potential allies, they elected a pseudo-dictator douchebag, sat with their thumbs up their asses, and decided the best way to gain power and influence in the world was to bully smaller bordering nations and invade their territory with a pathetically weak and ill-equiped military.

    And then Putin and his muppets blame the US and NATO for “encroaching on them.” As if trying to take back a tiny sliver of former USSR territory will do anything to make their country powerful or wealthy.

  • Here’s a proposal: First, all dog breeding is regulated as strictly as bars with liquor licenses. Criminal charges and jail time if found doing it illegally.

    Breeders and owners are required to have insurance coverage specific to dogs.

    Owners are held liable for all damages their dog causes, no matter what. Your dog attacks somebody, mauls them and they seek settlement? It’s on the owners. If the owner cannot be determined, the breeder is held liable.

    Or, just make dogs above say, 30 pounds illegal. “But what if your dog is little and just really fat and becomes over 30 pounds?” Then you are fined and told to get your dog healthy within a certain timeframe, say 90 days, or surrender the dog and pay a fine for neglect, or get charged with animal abuse.

    “Well then, nobody would want to get/breed dogs that are anywhere close to 30 pounds full grown because of the risk of violating the law.” Yes…that’s good. The only dogs people would have are small dogs that can’t severely maul/kill people even if they do go off the rails.

    “But what about hunters or sportspeople that use dogs to hunt or herd?” Plenty of herding/hunting dogs are within that 30 pound weight range, like Corgis or Beagles. Obviously there would be exceptions for government organizations that use large dogs for legitimate purposes like Saint Bernards for search and rescue.

    “But muh gawd damn riaghts!!!” go cry about it.

  • For me what has worked best is setting a bare minimum that is super easy to hit. Creates opportunities for easy wins, which then often gives me just enough of that dopamine boost to do another little thing.

    For instance, I try to work out 3 days a week. Some days even walking up my stairs takes almost all my willpower. So what I do is just tell myself, “it’s alright, to skip the full workout, just go over to your dumbell and do 1 single rep, that’s it.”

    I almost always can at least do the absolute bare minimum, like lift the weight 1 time. Or pick up just one item of clothing off the floor, or put 1 dirty dish in the dishwasher.

    Allowing myself to do just the absolute minimum without shaming myself really helped my mental health. I very often found that the task wasn’t as terrible as it seemed in my head, and the amount of energy I had was a little bit more than I thought I did.

    The dopamine from actually being able to do a few things fed into itself and created those healthy brain paths and habits over time. I’m in a far better place mentally now, and my baseline has increases a lot.