Trans woman - 9 years HRT

Intersectional feminist

Queer anarchist

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I deleted my comment, not really in the mood to argue the many flaws of the judicial system today.

    But it’s noteworthy that I don’t believe such a thing as “rule of law” is ever achievable without corruption and that there exist only varying degrees of corruption but more or less every judicial system on earth is corrupt to some extent. I made a much longer writeup responding to you, but again, I felt that I’d rather not spend my day arguing this.

    Long and short, the only way the current system works is if you assume that all politicians are acting in good faith and that all voters have equal political power. Neither of these is true on a foundational level, and that is reflected in widespread corruption and manipulation of appointed judges.

  • It’s basically like. Someone drawing a picture. Then watching the buttons you’re pressing on a controller. And then drawing a new picture. And based on the game that they think you’re playing in their head trying to guess what the next picture ought to look like. With no error correction and no conceptualization other than what the next picture should look like.

    The… many limitations of this is the inability of image generators to rationalize 3 dimensional space. It can only approximate it based on what it thinks should appear on the screen. It lacks any ability to keep track of variable information. It really is more like a Doom-style hallucination than anything else. Some of the videos on that article are truly bizarre looking. I’d imagine after a few minutes every single one of them would devolve into an endless loop of being trapped in non-sensical geometry or killing the same enemy over and over again as the AI has no way of remembering the enemy existed to begin with, let alone that you killed it.

    I’ll be honest I don’t think there is much use in this at all. It suffers from the same limits as any other model AI. Believability at a glance is not believability under scrutiny and if it’s only believable at a glance then there’s not much practical use in it. The advance in computational power and model sophistication required to stand up under scrutiny is massive.

  • LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneQR code rule
    1 month ago

    KolibriOS, arguably the smallest modern GUI OS at 1.44MB, could be encoded on ~142 of them. I shouldn’t find that interesting but I do. MikeOS, which is an operating system used to teach about OS design, could fit on ~74.

    Making this a very dumb very impractical but nonetheless legitimately viable method for non-electromagnetic OS storage.

  • You’ll note that I didn’t say that. I said that zionists have no right to be there. They stole Palestinian land, murdered their people, and reduced them to living in a giant open air prison from which they terrorized and bombed them. They deprive them of food water and electricity. They have done their absolute best to eradicate the Palestinian heritage and way of life. They’ve taken again and again and again. They’ve broken every single promise for coexistence. They have no right to be there.

    Also, Israel isn’t even a hundred years old. Not even 80. There are original settlers still alive. Most people are second or third generation. It’s not the same as Australia, which was colonized over 200 years ago.

    And I’m not proposing that all Israelis be made to leave. In my view zionists and anyone who has been actively involved in the persecution of Palestinians, or in the destruction of the Palestinian nation and heritage, should be made to leave. But I don’t think it should be up to me. It should be up to the Palestinians to determine what happens on their land. And the land that was stolen from them should be returned.

  • I never made any statement on the legitimacy of anyone’s identity as Jewish. Israel is a country. Israelis are citizens of that country. Jewish people are Jewish people. Israelis are not one and the same with Jewish people.

    Jewish people who existed in the region prior to the nakba and the colonization of Palestine were not Israelis. They were not zionists. They coexisted with Muslims in Palestine. Israel was conceived by zionists in Europe. It was a deliberate colonization effort. It didn’t just naturally occur amongst people already living there. Europeans traveled to the region and colonized it, much the same as other Europeans did to North America, Australia, South Asia, etc.

    We see all those other colonization efforts as evil and genocidal, which they were. It is much the same with colonization of Palestine. Palestinians should always have had their own nation. They have been told multiple times throughout history both before and after the nakba that they would have their own nation. Israel colonized Palestine and evicted Palestinians from their homes, stole their land from them. They didn’t immigrate to the region to coexist with Palestinians. They came to steal their land, get rid of them, and make their own state on that stolen land.

  • Zionists? It was zionists who colonized. They did so with the intention of creating a Jewish state.

    Decolonization would be… decolonization. Return Palestinian land to the Palestinians. There are still plenty of people alive from the first Nakba. They all deserve their land back. A dissolution of the Israeli state and the creation of a new state of Palestine. Which would necessitate a total dismantling and withdrawal of the entirety of the Israeli state. An international criminal Court to prosecute all crimes against humanity that have ever been committed by the Israeli state. Redistribution of wealth from the Israeli state. How to handle things from there should be up to the new state of Palestine. They have a right to self-determination. Through mediation, but still it should be up to them. It was their land. They have the right to decide what happens with it.

    I’d say at the very least the Zionists should go. The entire Israeli state is not composed of zionists. But the entirety of anyone who has ever served in the IDF or the Israeli government should at the least be sent back to the countries they or their fathers came from. Anyone who has participated in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Anyone who has murdered Palestinians. They don’t have a right to be there. But, like I said that’s just what I would think is just. It shouldn’t be up to western white people to decide. Palestinians deserve the right to choose what happens with their homes.

    I would say the same thing about America or Canada, to be clear. That decolonizing them would be to return land to the Natives and allow them to form their own states and determine what happens with their land. It’s a more complex question of what they should do from there, but it was always their land and they deserve the power to say what happens with it.

    And, to be clear, I’m not saying I believe this is what will happen. Merely what I’m saying ought to happen. What actual justice would look like.

  • Again, Jewish people are not synonymous with Israelis. Those 1.5% Jewish people were not the zionist colonizers. They had existed there prior to Israel. Israel was created by colonizers who espoused the ideology of zionism, that the Jewish religion had a right to it’s own state and that it had the right to take land away from other people to make that state. This ideology is still in practice today. They are slowly committing ethnic cleansing to expand their state. They believe they have a right to significantly more than just Gaza or the West Bank. Which they never had the right to begin with. They displaced millions of people from their homes that had been there for centuries. Millenia in some cases. It is colonization.

    Was manifest destiny wrong? Was it wrong for the American settlers to displace native Americans, to steal their land and ethnically cleanse them? Then it is absolutely unequivocally necessarily wrong for the Israelis to do the same to Palestinians.

  • And so just because there existed discrimination against Jewish people that justifies stealing the land of Palestinian to give them their own state? Why wasn’t one founded anywhere else? Why not colonize somewhere in the middle of Europe? Why not somewhere with sparse population? Why is it fine for them to take Palestinian land and homes and drive them out?

    Jewish people are not the same as Israelis. Most Israelis are Jewish, but there are many jewish people who are not Israelis and who are anti-zionist. Colonialism isn’t fine because the colonizers were facing discrimination. That doesn’t justify them committing atrocities and stealing the land of others.

  • Jewish people have always existed in region, yes. You’ll note that Israel has not always existed in the region. Being Jewish is not synonymous with being an Israeli. The millions of settlers who came to the area to create a Jewish state on Palestinian land were definitionally colonizers. They literally went somewhere that they did not live, somewhere no one in their family had lived, and drove out the people who were already living there. They literally stole homes and stole land from Palestinians living there.

  • Israel is committing acts of genocide today against Palestinians. Israel is a settler colonial nation in the same style as 17th/18th century Canada and America. They have always been actively committing atrocities by forcefully relocating and mass murdering the native population of the region, Palestinians.

    You are engaging in genocide denialism. Literally denaying the way men women and children are being mass murdered. Israel isnt a country that came to exist out if the diaspora who were living there. It came to exist as a result of mass migration and colonization. From the very beginning Israel has been committing acts of mass violence. Moving a bunch of people into a region to change the demographics of that region and mass displace the people presently living there is genocide. Destroying a culture is genocide. Bombing school, hospitals, is genocide. Shooting children is genocide. Forced mass starvation is genocide. Depriving children of water is genocide.

    Look at maps of the Gaza strip. See the amount of it that Israel has declared evacuations on. If there is an evacuation declared for a particular area Israel has free reign in those areas to commit whatever acts of mass violence they choose. The victims must all be hamas, since the evacuation order is there. They will soon declare all but the southern tip evacuated. Settlers are already in the strip. Israel is pushing for one final ejection of Palestinians. One last effort to take their homes forever.

    Fuck Benjamin Netanyahu. Fuck the Likud Party. Fuck the IDF. Fuck Israel. And fuck genocide deniers like you, literal conspiracy theorists about genocides being faked. You’re imperialist fascist scum.

  • Why? Because they both happened in China?

    The delivery driver was in desperation because they were going to lose money by being held up by the security guard. They weren’t protesting or demonstrating, just trying to do their job and literally could not afford to wait around. Probably because they are paid a pittance and are paid by the delivery instead of by hour worked. This is also a problem in North America and Europe. Delivery drivers are classified as independent contractors to avoid being given hourly wages and benefits. This incident was a symptom of poor regulation of the delivery industry.

    I’m not sure how any of that relates to tank man aside from the fact that both incidents took place somewhere in China. I’m not saying critiquing the Chinese government isn’t worthwhile, but it comes off entirely fangless when you just throw out tank man in a completely unrelated situation. If our goal is better rights and living conditions for workers in China (and everywhere else), the least we can do is actually argue for those things. Criticizing the Chinese state for censoring information on the Tiannamen Square Protests has its place. Doing so here just detracts from the actual subject of the post.