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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • The fact that you don’t understand why women think the bear is safer is exactly why we’re picking it.

    Let me spell it out for you - the bear will either kill me and eat me or leave me alone.

    The man may try to rape me. And leave me alive with the suffering that results from that rape. And there’s a chance he may impregnate me and in many states in this country, I will not be able to abort it and will have to give birth to it, which is another assault on my body.

    I would rather just be eaten. At least in that case the pain ends.

  • Because the US is full of Christian zealots who believe that when the Jews manage to rebuild their temple, armageddon happens and they all get to go to Heaven.

    They are actively cheering on WWIII and the deaths of billions over a 2000 year old work of fiction. And are neglecting to mention that this Jewish country they all support will be bombed into dust for their messiah to return.

    Christian Zionists belong to a death cult and the fact that they have so much influence over an allegedly secular government is gross.

  • You told me this last fucking election and nothing has changed.

    I lost my reproductive freedoms

    I fear for my wife’s life whenever we have to travel out of state - she’s trans

    Clarance fucking Thomas is threatening to undo gay marriage.

    The democrats have done NOTHING for me. And instead i’m watching half of them cheerlead a fucking genocide of brown people in the middle east

    How are they different from republicans? How is biden different than trump? He’s trying to pass trump’s immigration plan while letting Bibi murder his neighbors.

    Nah fam. I’m officially giving up. People like you who refuse to hold democrats to account have made life worse for everyone.