aka @JWBananas
aka @JWBananas

I will go slightly out of my way to step on that crunchy looking leaf.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • He is certainly spending a lot less time expressing emotions than he did in season 2 of Discovery.

    There seem to be two major camps of thought about his portrayal in SNW:

    1. He is way too different in SNW than he is in TOS, thus breaking canon. These must be people who really enjoyed the nobody-ever-experiences-personal-growth-except-for-Seven-of-Nine aspect of VOY.

    2. Personal growth is okay, but his current trajectory is veering off too far from where he needs to land in TOS. This is the nobody-ever-makes-the-same-mistakes-twice camp.

    Here’s what we know for sure, chronologically:

    • Spock smiles at plants in The Cage and seems stable.
    • Spock is a mental and emotional wreck in DIS season 2, but he pulls it together in the end.
    • Spock is back in control in early SNW season 1, but he has overcorrected after the events of DIS to a place where he is much more stoic than he was in The Cage.
    • Spock opens back up the emotional can of worms in SNW season 1 to fight an adversary, and he is having a difficult time closing it back up. But he seems to be trying to make the best of it.
    • Spock is about to lose all his Vulcan DNA in this week’s upcoming episode. Hijinks will ensue with T’Pring’s family.

    That last one may lead to more overcorrection in the future. Or maybe it won’t. Who knows?

    Maybe he’ll undergo Kolinahr at some point before TOS. Maybe it doesn’t work twice, and that’s why he fails in TMP.

    But you can’t tell me you’ve never met anyone in real life whose emotional state of being sways back and forth like a pendulum swing over time.