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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Wife and I had two shots, two boosters, caught Covid in February, and we’re both still dealing with long Covid symptoms, aside from the fact that being sick itself was a nightmare.

    This disease is a freaking lottery, you’ll never know how you’ll react until you catch it. My aunt and uncle are still somewhat recluse, because neither can take the shots. Really sucks for immunosuppressed people.

  • IDriveWhileTired@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    1 year ago

    Congratulations, my “working class” friend, for your rant!

    Hope you got the kick you needed out of insulting someone, as if you knew me, where I am from and what I am talking about, like probably you do regularly on social media.

    Meanwhile, let the grown ups do the dirty work, so you can say your Tesla is the way to go. I am glad my existence makes your arrogance possible. Sleep well. There is no reasoning with obtuse.

  • IDriveWhileTired@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    1 year ago

    Worse: saying people that are trying to get by without any help from privileged folks (spoiler alert: those few quid you gave some NGO is being used in its majority to pay for wages in your own country) are “shheeple” is the apex of stupidity.

    And criticizing people for pointing pity the flaws in your reasoning just shows how obtuse “green” people actually are. We have to fight global warming, but it does not start by having a Tesla. It starts by having viable alternatives, that are affordable to everyone, so a transition is possible.

    So yeah, let’s make tons of noise around ending fossil fuels with an electric Volvo, Mercedes or Audi in the garage. Let say nuclear is as bad as fossil, while we’re at it, so we can show how truly stupid we are. Let’s have less ways for poor people to have food. I am sure Bill Gates will take care of the tab.

    Sometimes I wonder if people actually are this stupid, or are just doing it for internet clout.

  • IDriveWhileTired@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    1 year ago

    Have you ever felt hunger? Have you ever seen someone beg you for food? Not someone approach you in Times Square, Piccadilly Circus, Champs-Élysées, or whichever privileged place you are from, in order to make a buck, but see someone weak from actual hunger? Have you seen that?

    I am all for green energy, and God knows I want us to stay away from fossil fuels.

    But going “yeah, let’s end fossil fuels, and then see what happens to fix it ” is being very cavalier about ending millions of lifes, making billions suffer all around the world, so you can say you’ve done something good in your privileged community, go to the country club, opera or whatever and boast about your achievement.

    But hey, you won’t be affected, so who cares, right? Let the poor eat brioches!

  • IDriveWhileTired@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    1 year ago

    Your mistake is to assume everyone is on the same level, having access to the same amounts of resources. The guy asking you to let him do his job is doing so in order to survive. He doesn’t think four generations ahead. He barely thinks four meals ahead.

    So the guy working to survive is the reasonable one, whilst people with no food, power, living, clothing, infrastructure, or any real form of insecurity, who ask them to start kicking the vent are just too obtuse and unaware of the real world to start thinking about reason.

    Global warming is bad. Your kids crying themselves to sleep because of hunger is worse. I don’t care what your argument is. It is worse. So stop attacking people trying to survive, and start looking for alternatives before asking people to give their lives up, for your kids future. Be less selfish.

  • “ Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!

    But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I’m a lawyer defending a major record company, and I’m talkin’ about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense!

    None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you’re in that jury room deliberatin’ and conjugatin’ the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!

    The defense rests.”

  • I know I am preaching to the choir, but this guy will only make things worse in my opinion, and yet I do think Argentinians need to see what a “disruptive” president will do to the country, in order to maybe think about moderation again, just like Brazil did.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am Brazilian, and as such I am very aware of polarization and populism (PSDB and PT anyone?). God knows we have had our share of it over the past 30 years. But the two “disruptive” presidents we had (Collor and Bolsonaro) were both corrupt imbeciles, who managed to make things a lot worse, a lot faster than the others. But sometimes people need to learn the hard way.

    The question is: will Argentina, and specially the Kirchners, be able to control themselves when they inevitably return to power, after yet another failed attempt to tie Argentina’s economy to the dollar? Just remember that this is, I think, the third time in about 30 years Argentina has tried that, and it always fails.

  • Dude, same boat here, I am from South America, and I absolutely agree that we are basically screwed with every populist regime that comes and goes, regardless if they call themselves left wing or right wing. In the end, they are all just corrupt imbeciles making a buck off of other’s misery and hunger.

    The problem with Chinese money is that it will end the same way US money ended in the 80s/90s: indebted countries with massive inflation.

    Mercosur is negotiating a deal with the EU, which should improve things a little, though, even though I was raised in Europe, I can tell you that it will be same shit, different continent.

    I gave up trying to find the less bad player here. And don’t forget that some of the world biggest predators, including Nestle, Santander, Lloyds and Danone are European.

    What South America needs is to get rid of populism, but I reckon an alien invasion is more likely. The way Argentinian elections are shaping up to happen, with Massa and the Kirchners not wanting to give up power; Brazil electing populist imbeciles like Lula and Bolsonaro; Chile stuck on drafting a new constitution; Peru dealing with protests and a regime that wants to amass more power; Colombia trying to survive the FARCs with peace agreements; Bolivia trying to stabilize itself after some really turbulent times; and Uruguay, well, swinging from left to right, I reckon we are ways from solving any issues.

    So might as well embrace the Chinese, since there is not much left to lose. Just without any illusions that what they are doing will be any good to anyone in the long run, like US money from the 50s was.

    And don’t worry, discussing Latam politics as a whole makes anyone sound sassy.