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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yeah, it’s embarrassing how shortsighted these people are. Reddit will be an absolute mess riddled with ads in the near future, especially when they force mobile browser users into the app and I would not put it past Spez to disallow adblockers being used on their website as well. Then you get spammed with ads unless you buy Reddit premium, which surely will rise in price as well. And then it will be too late to protest. So silly to not see the direction that reddit is taking and to complain about protests now.

  • I have witnessed these bad responses on different soccer-related threads as well. They all behave like junkies who really need their fix of reddit desperately that they get toxic against those who protest and dare to take their precious fix away. A bunch of “no one cares, trust me bro”-responses, mods get attacked for having too much power. It’s sad really how addicted they are to reddit. I personally hope most, if not all the subs that went dark will do so indefinitely. Might be good for the mental health of those who are dramatically addicted as well.