Frank [he/him, he/him]

Nice try feds fedposting

  • 53 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020

  • OIh, part of my comment was, because, our extremely online debate pervert counterparts among the libs, they don’t actually give a shit about anything. They’re fascists, their politics are an aesthetic of politics. They have no interest in any real violence or power as long as there’s someone wearing a boring, professional suit with boring, professional hair saying boring, professional buzzwords in front of a podium. That’s what they want, and that’s what they mostly believe everyone wants. The aesthetic. That’s why they can’t see beyond Stalin - He’s the Commie equivalent of “Light Herself” hillary-contempt in their eyes, the aesthetic that they think commies must crave.

    And because of that they can’t conceptualize why we care about policy or demand policy action from leaders. For them policy is an elaborate ritual of going to meetings with ipads, going in circles for several hours, then going to a chic coffee shop to whine about how pointless your meeting was and how little got done to your bluesky muts. But to them policy got done because policy is a ritual, a magical spell, that they cast by doing their banal office shit. It’s not connected to actual goals or wielding power, to them it’s thje ritual that matters. As long as they perform the ritual correctly they’re doing policy. And they’re very mad at us because they see our demands for results and cahnge as inexplicable and irrational - They’re already doing policy, so our demands that they actually change something are crazy.

    If KKKamala doesn’t win they won’t be able to do their rituals, they won’t be able to perform their weird little religion, and they know that’s very bad. And when they see us demanding, like, an actual end to genocide, since they don’t care about people or interact with the real world that exists, what they see is people irrationally and inexplicably trying to stop their rituals, fuck up their vibe, screw with their holy objects and shit.

    They’re not defending any actual political process intended to wield power in the real world. They’re defending a religion of politickyness, a set of rituals and practices that they go through that makes them feel like they’re doing politics and defines right conduct. To them that is the real world, the endless loop of elections, congressional meandering, platitudes, excuses, marches, and elections. It’s the magic, ritual actions that make the sun rise and the rain fall. ANd if they don’t do those things they really do think the world will end, right up until it doesn’t and the usual “I have recieved a revelation, hte apocalypse is actually next tuesday” bullshit kicks in. (this is the most important election. Okay actually this is the most important election. Okay actually this is the most important election. They’re always on the cusp of the apocalypse).

    To them politics is this, idk, struggle or performance between the good people who are smart and listen to npr and the bad people who are dumb and poor, and what’s important is that the good people are able to do their politcal rituals ever day to, idk, keep… Democracy alive or some shit. And they don’t really have a place for us in the good people bad people paradigm because we’re insuffereable fucking nerds who challenge them directly with their own language and throw evidence and shit at them. And that’s infuriating because for them evidence doesn’t matter, that’s not the point, that’s not why they’re doing it, so they think we’re just doing it to be assholes. And they lurch right because they don’t give a shit about actual policy, actual political action, actual political violence, and they just get madder and madder at us because they can’t understand why we’re trying to stop them from lurching right,.

    IDfk. I need to go t bed./

  • It’s shaped like itself. Feminisms that developed in the west - British Feminism, Intersectional Feminism, 1st/2nd/3rd/4th wave, and then Feminisms that developed in the Islamic world which I know far less about. There isn’t one feminism, it’s a whole constellation of related ideologies and philosophies that share some features but are strongly opposed on others. And it’s not just Islam and NATOstan, there’s a lot of others, both contemporary and in the past. Presumably the future too.

    But looking in to Feminism in Iran is a good start for sort of getting a look at it. There’s a couple of different strains of Iranian feminism in Iran that are sometimes in dialogue and sometimes in Conflict with western Feminism. Also a good look about how The West uses Feminism in bad faith as a weapon against global south nations or whatever we’re calling Not!Natostan right now. NATOstan doesn’t recognize non-western forms of Feminism as valid, or just ignores them so it can misuse western Feminist concepts to attack enemy nations and cultures. Feminist Imperialism as a counterpart to Rainbow Imperialism. We saw it a lot in Afghanistan where America used a veneer of Feminism to justify it’s invasion and occupation. There was no actual interest in Feminism or serious attempt to improve the conditions of women, but it gave the warlords in washington a way to white wash (femme wash?) their project with their populations. Like, they hold Malala Yousafzai up as evidence that their enemies are evil and NATO is actually good and doing good Feminism, then drop her like a live hand grenade when they find out she’s a communist (Hi Malala go on Chapo but unironically!) (I don’t know if she posts here she probably doesn’t)

    Another example of Feminist (and again not “real” feminism, just NATO’s bad faith version of it) is weaponized against Muslims living in NATOstan, with France and other European countries making it a crime to cover your hair in the name of women’s rights or whatever bullshit they claim, when it’s really flagrantly obvious seething race hatred.