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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • You’re right, I wouldn’t. But you must realise trolley dilemmas are shit for exactly this reason. It exposes the fact that, at the end of the day, yes, we will prioritise our own children over someone else’s. What people don’t seem to acknowledge is that this is the choice presented to Israel. People act like the choice is “kill children or don’t kill children” as if it’s that black and white and crude. When it’s really “kill Hamas now with collateral damage or wait for the next time they deliberately target women, children, babies”. They’re the actual two tracks to choose between. I don’t blame Israel for killing Hamas wherever they find them and not accepting their cowardly attempt to use their relatives as shields.

  • Of all of them my experience is that younger gen x / older millennial are the most hands-on technically literate. Grew up in 80s 90s as home computers became main stream but required a good deal of tinkering. They currently form the body of 40-50 year old electrical engineers, senior devs and consultants. Not really in game development (where crazy hours are a young man’s game), rather IT and business as a whole.

  • Indeed the new one, in attempting to the faithful to the book, but minus any of the critical inner monologue, just manages to be bland on a big budget.

    I love the campy 84 version, even if it departed wildly from the text. The characters were colourful, over the top, memorable. Current version everyone’s a slightly different dark haired man in a dusty suit. Give me some dated CGI and theatrics any day.

  • What would be the point of this from a non fucked up standpoint?

    I think the bad and good reasons can be true at the same time. Plenty of others list the bad reasons. For the good reasons:

    • it is unlikely Hamas could evacuate its weaponry, rocket stockpiles and other supplies in 24 hours undetected
    • so some will be flushed out at which point they can be engaged
    • others will remain, so having the civilian population leave - even if not completely - it’s the best way to reduce collateral deaths and give Hamas as little time to prepare as possible
    • hostages area likely being held in the north, hence the time pressure to separate as many civilians as possible and isolate Hamas
    • the crisis would be less of a crisis of the Arab nations actually stepped up to help but none of them want anything to do with Gaza Palestinians…
    • finally (up to you if this is a good or bad reason) Israel may well intend to bulldoze every building in North Gaza to deny its use to Hamas and it’s obviously safer for the population to not be there when it happens. This may increase the chances of the UN / Egypt creating a viable refugee camp inside the Egyptian border which may well be Israel’s end game

  • David Kelly, the UK weapons inspector, who lead dozens of UN teams to Iraq and inspected facilities and sites first hand said Saddam was committed to developing chemical and nuclear weapons. That’s the guy who’s been there under the UN banner, the guy judged trustworthy to lead an international team. And that was partly based on what they found, partly on how Saddam had excavated previous weapon decommissioning sites to recover parts, and partly because Saddam and his team would repeatedly lie at every turn. Kelly regarded all of the “ready to launch in 45 mins” as made up bullshit, and he repeatedly contradicted the UK and US governments when they tried to make the threat sound more immediate. So despite calling out all the politics bullshit, Kelly was still a supporter of regime change because it was - speaking as someone who’d dealt with Saddam repeatedly - the only way to stop a man who’d used chemical weapons before using them again…

  • David Kelly, British weapons inspector who lead multiple UN missions to inspect Iraqi facilities (and deal with their bullshit) first hand…

    • didn’t believe their mobilisation was advanced
    • thought many of the exaggerations the US and UK came up with were utter bullshit
    • didn’t believe there was any Al-Qaeda connection
    • didn’t believe chem weapons could be fired in 45 minutes

    But DID

    • state the “concealed” Iraqii chemical weapons program was real
    • said “8,500 litres of anthrax VX, 2,160 kilograms of bacterial growth media, 360 tonnes of bulk chemical warfare agent, 6,500 chemical bombs and 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical and biological warfare agents remained unaccounted for”
    • believed Saddam was committed to deception around the program and had provably recovered chemical weapons equipment from decommission sites after inspectors had left
    • stated Saddam’s use of chemical weapons was inevitable
    • stated only regime change could stop it

    And this is the guy conspiracy theorists think got assassinated because he was too opposed to the governments. Even he argued that what he’d seen showed Saddam should be forcably toppled…

  • Double_A Nerdy men playing a board game are intidimating? How do women even get anything in life done of they are this fragile? WTF? Do you also want separate women-only schools, and women-only companies?

    Rbmellor Tf are they in separate groups for? Don’t girls know how sexy they look playing cheers?

    System_glitch And the real reason is because women don’t do well against men. They get dominated except for a very small minority. So I orde for women to have more parity, they have women’s chess A biological man competing with them is, statistically, a huge advantage.

    Two others I recall have been since been removed


  • You see… this is the issue. This idea has been passed around second hand so many times people are convinced there was no evidence or reason to suspect a WMD program. The idea the US government made it all up out of thin air for neocon warmongering reasons is too juicy to ignore…


    The UN weapons inspections DID find plenty of evidence to be concerned about, and Saddam’s provable track record of chemical weapon use AND lying AND concealment only made it harder to know what was going on. One of the lead inspectors, British weapons expert David Kelly, who led missions to Iraqii factories and staff sites dozens of times said…

    “despite the steps taken, Saddam refuse[d] to acknowledge the extent of his chemical and biological weapons and associated military and industrial support organisations [and there was still a concern about] 8,500 litres of anthrax VX, 2,160 kilograms of bacterial growth media, 360 tonnes of bulk chemical warfare agent, 6,500 chemical bombs and 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical and biological warfare agents [which] remained unaccounted for from activities up to 1991

    David Kelly thought the “launch in 45 minutes” claim was bollocks. He also thought various US attempts to say certain equipment could be quickly turned into launch vehicles or chemical weapons processing plants was also bollocks. He also said the link to Al-Qaeda was bollocks.

    However, he wrote an entire article for a British newspaper outlining how based on evidence he had personally seen as a part of UN sanctioned missions, Saddam was committed to a chemical weapons programs, their use was inevitable, and only regime change would stop it.

    “Iraq has spent the past 30 years building up an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Although the current threat presented by Iraq militarily is modest, both in terms of conventional and unconventional weapons, it has never given up its intent to develop and stockpile such weapons for both military and terrorist use…The long-term threat, however, remains Iraq’s development to military maturity of weapons of mass destruction—something that only regime change will avert.”

    You can read it yourself here: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2003/aug/31/huttonreport.iraq

    David Kelly killed himself shortly after the war started because he name was publicly outed as a critic of the “45 minute” dossier. Conspiracy theories abound. But centre on Kelly undermining the British and American governments - which is why “supposedly” they had him killed.

    But even he - a distinguished weapons expert, known internationally, with decades of experience, dozens of missions to Iraq, who inspected Iraqii equipment personally, and who thought the US and UK governments were full of shit exaggerating - even he believed the evidence was such that regime change was the right thing to do, to avert chemical / nuclear disaster.