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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • America tried to modernise many British means of methods and standards. They used a metric currency long before Britain. That’s why they have a cent (1/100) rather than pennies and bobs and truppence.

    They got ride of many terms for multiples of measurements that made the imperial system more similar to metric. Americans use ounces, but they don’t use pounds.

    America also defines their us customary units using metric. There’s no longer an inch. There is a meter and from that an inch is defined as 24 millimeters. This is largely due to British, Canadian and American components for fighting wars not fitting together despite all using the same inch.

    Had America modernised a little later they probably would have converted to metric earlier than Britain.

  • Switch 2 will be announced in July/August then released in September. (This is speculation).

    It needs to come out before Christmas, else Nintendo sales will suffer. They would have already planned for this. If they don’t they will announce it October/November quietly and release it in Spring.

    I think they will increase the frequency of upgrades to their handheld/hybrid consoles. As they will see completion from steam deck and similar systems. Especially if they don’t have significant innovation that isn’t easily replicated. The switch 2 might not allow you to transfer all your games over, but subsequent switches are likely to be oled/light/pro/XL type of upgrades.

  • That won’t sink Nintendo. It will only increase their revenue.

    People will rebuy the old game again. Some people will refuse to buy the old game. But no sale would be lost. In fact people will be less likely to sell their old consoles, reducing the supply of consoles which will increase demand on the new console.

    People always make the assumption that a business will lose by making customers pay for things. It rarely is the case. Netflix banned account sharing, Reddit and Lemmy were full of people claiming this will hurt netflix. Not realising netflix only punished those that don’t give them more money. The people that suffered that ban weren’t buying netflix. The ban increased netflix profit, they also gained more paying customers.