Orientation: Aromantic Asexual (AroAce)

Identity + Gender Modality: Agender + Isogender (Please note I don’t identify as cis or Trans)

Pronouns: Use any, Idc, *mostly doesn’t really matter to me (just not it/its).

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • When I was young I was very rebellious and did not follow gender stereotypes, I had long hair and I dyed the ends bright red. People (my teachers) didn’t really like that and they often would tell me I must be a girl because boys don’t do stuff like that. I find that kind of funny because I did a lot of terrible things that according to their sexist logic girls wouldn’t do (like severing my chromebook from their enterprise enrollment (twice with two separate Chromebooks) so I could do what I wanted). Few years later I was diagnosed with an androgen deficiency and I would need to take testosterone or wouldn’t continue developing properly. I didn’t actually take it both because it made me feel sick and also because all the shit my teachers were saying made younger me think I was going on E and it would make me a girl. So I just didn’t take it, and still haven’t, that’s future Riley’s problem.

    Years later in 2021 towards the end I learned about Agender and Isogender and those really resonated with me so I started using those but I also never really stopped identifying with male and still very often use he/him pronouns.

  • I think that Isogender is still different from trans in different ways, even if some trans people have similar feelings of lack of AGAB relevance, Isogender people still aren’t trans because we don’t feel trans acurately describes us, it’s very much a self-identification type of thing, and since trans can have either very fine or very broad (up to all encompassing) definitions there can be a lot of overlap in similarities but they are still different modalities altogether.

    Isogender is very rare so there aren’t very many accounts of the experiences of us, I’ve seen a handful of people talking about it but overall I only ever saw a handful of people on Reddit talking about it, and one, maybe two other people on the fediverse who identify as Isogender or one of the other Gender modalities.

    I sort of understand the motivation, though - I think the most common meaning of trans I encounter strongly implies social and medical transition (along the lines of “transexual”, meaning people who transition to live as a different gender than they were assigned at birth). Someone who has some alignment with their AGAB might struggle to feel understood if they called themselves trans, for example, and that seems like a motivation for a new term (though I think a lot of people just use non-binary, genderqueer, or gender non-conforming in a case like that).

    Yeah it has to do with differences in experience and identities. Even though there has been a lot of effort to expand and broaden ‘trans’ it still very much implies something that doesn’t resonate with a lot of these people, myself included, hence why other modalities exist.

    That said, depending on the context trans may or may not have such a narrow definition. I often see it used as big tent umbrella term under which any gender non-conforming people belong, even otherwise cis-gendered and cis-sexual cross-dressers or drag performers. This is especially common among activists who rightfully are aware of the importance of political unity in fighting gender oppression and aligning disparate groups under a common banner.

    I see the merit in that but at the same time I’m not really a fan of grouping people under one giant umbrella that also happens to be its own specific thing, i.e. there are trans people who are just trans, binary trans and nothing else. I think recognizing the differences in identities is just as important as the need to unify, and that’s why we added the Q+ to LGBT, for all those people with sexuality and gender identities that don’t necessarily align with the other 4 categories. Maybe to some this comes across as me trying to separate identities from trans, but I’m not, people can identify as trans if they feel its right for them, I just think they also should be able to not if it doesn’t and have that be respected and understood.