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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • I don’t really have a guide anywhere, but there are a number of them on the web. One of the OSINT powerhouses is BellingCat. They make finished products. There’s https://liveuamap.com/en for a map on the RU/UA war. Oryx is a good estimate for equipment losses there (I bet you can tell where my interests lie) I’d recommend getting to know some of these finished products first. That, and reading about the history of where you are looking at. Learning about the politics of Coal? Read some books about it. Get some perspectives. Want to know about the Isreal/Palestine conflict? Get to know the last 100 years of conflict since the Ottoman Empire fell

    There’s a real big difference in bits and bites investigating and actual finished products. A lot of the tools out there are for getting these bits and bites like https://osintframework.com/. One can buy commercial satellite photos, but those are expensive. They’re usually already bought by people on Twitter anyway. Putting together products is the hard part though, and there are quite a few pitfalls that one can fall into between unreliable sources and deceptive imagery persuasion or DIP. Ryan McBeth is a great source to look at to help you spot this sort of thing.

  • I disagree. For ideologies like that, there always would have to be an enemy. I think they would teach that the Jews went into hiding and are still exercising their “international jewery”. After all, there’s no plot to begin with, so the same rhetoric could be useful before and after mass genocide. It’s not a pretty alternative history, and I think it would affect other minorities too

  • Then all communists and socialists are Fascist also. Mussolini was an ardent socialist before being a fascist, and indeed still considered himself a Socialist. Joseph Stalin signed the Molotov-Ribbontrop pact with Adolph Hitler, who was a thug for the Marxists before starting his National Socialist Workers Party. The Conservatives who value the appeal of Strength that Fascist thinkers call out with.

    Indeed the Liberal Government of the United States subverted governments to install Fascist governments in South America such as the government under Pinochet. You and I both have the potential to be Fascist. I do not think that Nate Silver is any more of a Fascist than you or me, simply because he doesn’t shout from the street corners about the evils of Fascism.

  • So do you think that better halfway houses/better post-incarceration services would make a dent in our prison population? And I’m guessing that it shouldn’t be a private as that makes perverse incentives all the worse.

    Are there issues at public prisons with the revolving door at the same scale as private ones? Why do state run prisons have perverse incentives if they’re not there to make a profit? I have a hunch that it’s about being funded like schools are (I don’t know how prisons are funded)

    A lot of the violence seems to be a culture that’s hard to change. Is sexual assault training lacking in prisons? Do they not hire the right specialists to deal with these cases? Do you see any practices that might reduce violence in prisons or after prison?

    I want to know how things can change if there’s the political capital to do so. I really appreciate your comment too!