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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • The election goal of today (2nd turn) and last week (1st turn) was to elect members of the parlement. You have people with local needs, views, representating people from all around the country. We vote for someone that will represent us in front of the governement.

    They are the source of any new laws, voted in this parlement then validated in the senate (another set of people, usually older… Sound familiar for our US readers? Normal, USA copied our way of working when creating the country… with some variations and interruption of course…). They also create and vote the budget (including the army budget btw).The prime minister give the direction of the parlement laws.

    Usually the majority of the parlement and the prime minister are aligned because they represent the party big lines. Today we had a big shift of direction (party) so the whole governement (PM + Ministers except the president) need to be reworked as they are no more aligned with the parlement just elected. Staying will bring nothing but eternal obstruction and lack of legitimacy.

    And usually the president, elected directly by us in another election, make sure his parlement is aligned with him. Macron tried that with the dissolution but got the complete opposite result at the end.

    Frenchs don’t like when a president try a “technicality” (the dissolution) to gain more power and bring nazi in power as a side effect

    It was a huge risk, playing with our institution, and it was also obvious - when he announced it - that he will loose even more.

    He probably tried to get us vote for his party to block the nazi like the last time… But as he didn’t followed his own vow since the last election…

    For additional context: The nigth of the previous election, when we were doing another barrage against the nazi and elected him as a consequence, he told us “i own you my victory and won’t forget it”. He even did worst, shitting on the face of the people who did the barrage instead of being moderate.

    well, he lost his bet

    But i won’t be surprised if he continue to even be more silly before the end of his term. I expect another dissolution in one year or him leaving the position…

    Ps: Thanks to the candidate of Macron party (arrived 3rd last week in my town) who didn’t put her name on the 2nd turn to make sure the nazi (arrived 1st in my town -_-) couldn’t win. Having only one candidate against the nazi make us win our local election.

    At least, some people know where to draw a line between republic and politics

  • On avait jusqu’à 2027 pour trouver une stratégie pour contrer Putin, FN & co…

    Maintenant, on fout en l’air notre democratie au pire moment, galvanisant les fachistes qui étaient déjà bien mobilisés, tout en s’assurant que les groupes non majoritaires - qui galèrent pour financer quoi-que-ce-soit - n’aient pas les ressources, ni le temps pour s’aligner et communiquer proprement.

    Et on fout dans la merde l’Ukraine dans un mois alors que cette année était déjà à risque avec les USA en Novembre… C’est SUPER. Gros stratège à Paris. Comme la gauche sera incapable de s’aligner en 4 jours, va falloir voter à droite pour contrer l’extrème droite.

    Sauf que ça va pas marcher car lorsque l’on fait des paris en politique, ça te péte toujours à la gueule…

  • When the first stage of the invasion started, Macron was the president of Europe. So he had to play his role and present the view of the european leaders, even if it was not aligned with our internal views.

    I don’t like him, didn’t vote for him the first time (2nd time i did vote for him to avoid marine le pen election, founded by russian banks btw…) but you can’t use his behavior (amenable), trying to avoid escalation, as “yeah i’m your buddy putin, go ahead” or "i totally trust you’.

    Our head of intelligence was fired because HE didn’t present the invasion as realistic (based on normal logic it really silly)… but the whole intel community was fully aware of putin desires. President included. He knew Putin was playing with him. Everybody knew.

    But he had to play his role, as EU leader at this time.

  • Indeed, you can achieve a better result with less verbose naming convention. And choose better variable name to make it obvious than 0 Hp is death. While i don’t like having too verbose variable name (as it impacts the readability and quick understanding of the function), i’m not against that for the function name… without going too far of course!

    Best is too have proper datamodeling of the object manipulated on top of some classic basic comments. Good interface contract is also a minimum. Best is to have full datamodeling of all the services, objects, in and out interactions between them, etc.

    Documentation is a mandatory piece of the code delivery (with tests being the other important part) far too much forgotten if you don’t enforce it on your teams.

  • Enoril@jlai.lutoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldXXX
    4 months ago

    You don’t get it… Why we should be afraid of someone breaking our house?

    Thiefs don’t carry weapons. If they were arrested with deadly weapons (including knife), that would add decade of prison time for them. It’s being like that since centuries…

    Also: they breaks home when we are not home.

    So weapons are useless. You are not more safe with them. It’s just a way to escalate a dangerous situation to a deadly situation.

  • Yes, but as soon all jumped, the aircraft dive to land and load the bext batch of skydivers.

    The plane is usually already on the ground, loading, before the previous batch touch ground.

    BUT the plane must dive far from the skydivers obviously. Was probably not the case here. More you go fast to land, better is the profit (quick rotation = more people = profit)

    Edit: whoua, just read the french articles about this. The pilot didnt had a valid license at the time of the accident. He was not fit (in term of health) to fly any plane that day…

  • Salut, je te le dis franchement et sans méchanceté de ma part (sans avoir basvoté ce texte ou les précédents) mais je pense que tu oublies que le monde ne tourne pas autour de toi.

    Tu veux partager ta plume, afin de t’aider à passer un moment difficile et t’améliorer… Mais tu choisis de le faire dans ce “canal” qui est, je le rappelle, un canal générique, c’est à dire absolument pas dédié à l’exercice que tu tentes. Ce n’est pas un canal “club de lecture” ou “partagez vos dissertations, essais, …”. Le public qui lit ton texte n’est pas nécessairement un lecteur assidu, attendant impatiemment la suite de l’histoire.

    De plus, ce que tu postes est terriblement long, très difficile à lire (et attention ! ici je ne parle pas du contenu -que je n’ai pas lu- mais de la forme) et le rendu est terrible sur mon application. C’est un interminable ascenseur où il est difficile de suivre qui parle, qui pense, etc…C’est franchement pas agréable et en soi déjà un problème pour que tu obtiennes un retour positif. Est-ce que tu t’attendrais à un retour positif si tu lisais ton texte devant les passants d’une bouche de métro en plein travaux, avec marteau piqueur à 10m de toi? Ben c’est un peu ce que tu as fait ici.

    Bref, c’est plutôt difficile à suivre. Je ne m’étonne pas qu’il y ait des basvotes mais il ne faut pas nécessairement que tu le prennes comme indicateur de la qualité de ton travail. Tu as passé probablement du temps dessus, tu t’es clairement investi et tu es déçu de l’indifférence, voir de la “méchanceté”, des gens qui ton basvoté ou ignoré.

    Dans tout les cas, ne perd pas courage. Si tu as besoin de parler, tu peux me mp car je sais combien il est important de partager, discuter avec les autres lorsque l’on ne se sens pas bien (ce dont j’ai l’impression mais j’espère me tromper).

    Bonne journée à toi! [1]^

    1. Et surtout prend ce message de manière constructive car je ne l’ai pas écrit pour te “démolir” mais pour partager un autre point de vue que le tient ↩︎