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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I think this is a great example of how a conservative mind views the world.

    They are never happy or joyfull, its always a struggle and you fight for an idea despite you hating all of it. The idea that your life is not filled by misery is alien to them.

    At this point being conservative is just akin to mental illness. Destructive, depressed, delusional to themselves and others. If ever there was a real social contaigion, it would be this state of being.

  • The only moral abortion is my abortion

    Never forget that conservatives think when push comes to shove, they will be exempt from following the rules of suffering they created. As long as it is not themselves or a loved one suffering, they will never care.

    Also important: A lot of conservatives see women like pets, whose reproductive freedom is something they decide for them. You would never consult your dog if you bring them to vet for a sterilisation after all, and why would you? Objections of your pet would just get in the way of your decision. For republicans, the only difference between a dog and a women is that one cant, the other shouldnt allowed to vote.

    In the end, like always, conservatism is antithetical to happiness and progression of the human race.

  • If it only was JUST the use of concrete…

    In China, real-estate and owning a home is a big show or success in life and therefore highly desirable.

    Over the years the construction sector ran rampant, building homes faster then they could be sold by banks to bidders. A lot of these homes are so shoddy, they are starting to fall appart while people are living inaide them (google “tofu-buildings” and see for yourself, its horrific).

    With high ammounts of corruption and in-party dealings, China continued to overbuild, using up massive ammounts of concrete on buildings with the lifespan of an average laptop. If they would build highly efficient buildings to house the massive population with high quality and affordable rooms, that would probably justity the high us of concrete and material.

    But they are not…

    And here we are now, locked in a perpetual cycle of building and breaking stuff, because a lot of finances and political positions are entwined with constructionnand lland-dealings.

    The CCP could intervene, they are the fake-communist authoritarian rulers after all and their word is law. Im just not sure they want to. Or know how.

  • There is currently a massive movement against the far-right in Germany

    Revently a meeting was leaked, where the AfD went just mask-out-the-window and openly talked about deportation (They call it “Remigration”) of German Citicens who are the children of immigrants.

    After that the vague threats to society have become tangible for a lot of people. Now an ever increasing ammount of the general public is turning against the AfD, who is further slipping into fascism as a reaction, prompting usuql fascist infighting and splitting.

    Unlike in the US our judicial system is not quite as bad, but, with all things German, burocratic processes are quite slow. Also a lot of parties dont want to cooperate with the AfD in any regard, even the center-right (CDU) is having issues.

    From the outside it looks bleaker then it is in reality, but the danger is still very real