Its not my map
Its not my map
I and several people I know use scary stories to sleep 👍
Even if it says it’s washed, wash it anyways. Starches rub off from the grains moving against each other in the bag.
Keeping a list of people openly putting out fascist paraphernalia is a good thing because people like this hide as soon as the wind turns against them. Don’t let them fade into the background.
Fascists hide when they feel threatened. Don’t give them the chance
The pictures are required to show something connecting them. Fascist flags, signs, dogwhistles.
14% of Republicans deserve to be hanged
Oh my god that would be so fucking funny
Kernel level anti cheat is still bypassed so why do so many people just accept a literal ring-0 rootkit if it doesn’t even axcomplish its intended goal?
I mean no shit? Its state run media lol
Its Texas, shootings are like a team sport for them
That was paying slave owners and only in DC
And they can and will wait til you pass whatever the local threshold is to nail you wth a felony.
I’ll bring the spinach artichoke dip
12 kids that he claims. There’s probably several rape babies out there too
Thats what the right wing American govt employees want you to think
Not all taxes are collected, much of what we pay in taxes is added on to the cost of things.