I tell terrible jokes.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2022


  • I’ve seen some of those sorts of videos. The work was…regular factory work. Not exactly sweatshop conditions, just workers putting clothes on coathangers for an entire shift. Dull and mindnumbing, but most of them seemed to have headphones in or were watching videos on their phone.

    I think a lot of this stuff is due to westerners being so used to their “service economy” ideas, they can’t even imagine what actual work looks like.

  • Breaking news: The libertarian party announces that it will be disbanding as the democrats are now the perfect party for republicans that don’t hate weed (at least when white people do it).

    This seems to be their strategy tbh. They seem to be trying to court the dozen or so “never Trump” right wingers in the country instead of the millions of Americans who have a conscience.