• 10 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2019

  • Thanks for reading! The original theme maker basically mastered the header, as they should since they made the theme. For example, you could always press the / key to bring up the search menu on any page with this theme, it’s just that it wasn’t advertised. Hence, like them, we put the shortcut in the new search bar.

    I’m not 100% sold on the pillbox and I’m looking at ways to think of it differently; it works well on their wiki for various reasons, but I feel it’s a bit out of place on our wiki and there’s an information overload. Still, it allows us to compactly (as you pointed out) direct visitors to areas that we want them to look at, like our marxism portal, or areas of the website that we know they are often looking for. I notice now I didn’t really talk about the pillbox in the article, I might go back in and edit that.

  • It does give a definition: that there is none (lack of a definition is a definition). This is pretty clear if you read the whole page. Authoritarianism is just trying to distance itself from authority because all states wield authority in various ways, and so a word was created to separate the two and criticize the socialist bloc that also wielded authority, like the west did, but their authority was bad you see, not like ours which is good.

    But why am I saying this; you didn’t read the page, you’re not gonna read this either.

    In fact nobody has ever really been able to articulate to me why authoritarianism is bad beyond “I want my freedom”. It just inherently is undesirable, don’t ask too many questions, just accept it.

  • Communism is indissociable from its three components, which includes a political system: dialectical materialism (the philosophical part), the labour theory of value (the economic part), and the class struggle (the social thus political part).

    Anything other than Marxism is ineffectual in the real world and leads to nothing as exemplified by 200 years of history. “Tankies” don’t “happen” to have an economic theory, it’s an integral part to the whole of Marxism and Marxism could not exist without the economic basis for it. Why do we dislike capitalism? Because through math we can prove it is rife with contradictions and invariably leads to imperialism. Otherwise why would we want communism? Just because it’s cool to be a communist? Just because it’s a hobby? There has to be an actual justification for what we want.