I have a hard barrier around expressing anything like that, online or off. The inherent hetero power dynamics make it creepy even if it’s not a sexual impulse.
I have a hard barrier around expressing anything like that, online or off. The inherent hetero power dynamics make it creepy even if it’s not a sexual impulse.
It’s so stupid because there’s such a simple gotchya response. You think there are too many people for the resources we have, and some need to go one way or another? Then it makes sense to start with the people that use the most resources, right?
In fact we probably don’t even need to get rid of that many - let’s just off the 5000 or so richest people on the planet, expropriate their stuff, and that will free up far more fuel, land, water, energy, money, whatever than you could possibly hope to get from letting millions in the global south perish.
It’s incredibly hot in my region for this time of year; basically summer temperatures in October. It’s a bit trippy when the leaves are all changing or fallen and I can’t split wood without pouring sweat and overheating after ten minutes.
It was probably more than just one kid being rowdy and that was just the last straw. Could be just a shitty teacher though.