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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023

  • I agree with you all the way up to voting 3rd party.

    It has never worked out how everyone thinks it will. Why would this time be different?

    We have first past the post here. Meaning first across the finish line. And 2 candidates are neck and neck a few steps from it. You can vote for one of them to pull into the lead a bit OR you can vote for a person still standing at the starting line that has no hope to ever win.

    It’s wild to me that people don’t see that. It’s about keeping Trump from winning and ACCELERATING THE GAZA GENOCIDE!!! There just simply isn’t the momentum to elect a 3rd party right now this cycle so close to the end. You have to start that momentum and push WAYYY sooner and be competitive and stay close to the lead or it is over for you.

    Voting 3rd party now is like sticking your head in the sand and ignoring reality.

    I completely understand that neither main candidate is perfect.

    If Trump wins, but your vote could have helped Biden win, how will your conscience handle that? Knowing you could have at least stopped Trump, but didn’t? Is feeling good about your vote going to outweigh the reality if Trump wins?

    It’s like refusing to put out a fire with dirty water so you let the whole building burn down. Let’s use the dirty water and stop the fire and THEN clean up the muddy mess from it.

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    13 days ago

    Not to mention that MOST of the problems they are bitching at Biden for not fixing were caused by them in the first place and then they blocked Biden from any efforts to fix it.

    They set the fire, slash the firetruck’s tires and then have the audacity to blame the firefighters for not putting it out.

    I don’t love Biden, but damn, he is trying to do some good things and being blocked at every turn.

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    13 days ago

    Oh 100%

    Manchin and Cinema are Dem in name only, their actions are GOP at every turn.

    Don’t forget, 3 of the 5 SCOTUS were appointed by Trump, so everything happening with them now is from that and Biden doesn’t have power to stop that.

    And either way, both Dem and GOP are Right Wing parties and their goals are more or less to maintain the status quo, benefit corporations and elites, keep power, etc.

    Neither party has interests or incentives to truly progress things that benefit people, except in maybe a scrap or two to get votes.

    We don’t really have a government by the people and FOR the people right now. If we did we would have Ranked Choice Voting, no more Electoral College BS, no more Gerrymandering, Voting Day would be a federal holiday, mail in ballots would be universal and accepted, etc etc etc.

  • So many people keep arguing past each other on this because there are 2 truths and each side sees their 1 truth as the end-all.

    1. Genocide is bad. Biden isn’t doing enough to stop Israel. But, Trump would accelerate it. And also do more genocide here too.
    2. We have a FPTP voting system meaning the first candidate across the line wins, so you either vote for A or B. If you abstain from voting or vote 3rd party it does not make any difference whatsoever to the outcome because it is still who crosses the line first. So you have to decide which of the 2 you want, or which of the 2 you DON’T want. And vote accordingly.

    Everyone declaring “Genocide Joe” and voting 3rd party is missing the point that doing that could let Trump win. And that would be FAR worse.

    And everyone declaring “Blue no matter who” and demonizing the people that want the genocide to end are missing the point that our system is fucked and does not represent us and both candidates are bad. Both candidates are right wing and our country WANTS someone on the left that represents the people, but we simply don’t have that.

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlnew wolf
    1 month ago

    Those are good points. I’ve played MC since early alpha, but haven’t played much of the 1.20+ content yet. I still haven’t fought the Warden! Ahhhh!!!

    I do really appreciate hearing that Jeb has that mindset and goal. And you are right that they have eventually added more uses for things that started useless.

    From a design standpoint it is often surprisingly difficult to remember to use older content and mechanics on new content. You see it in RPGs and story type games often. In level 1 you unlock a skill or item, have to use it over and over for a dungeon or level, and then by level 3 you never ever use it again. Sometimes games will manage to remember the “old” things and keep them relevant and when I notice that I always really appreciate it. Several of the Zelda series games manage this. E.G. the Deku Nuts/Sticks still being used in the last dungeons.

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlnew wolf
    1 month ago

    The same thing happened to Lego.

    Originally it was small pieces you combine in creative ways to build something.

    Now all the sets have these huge specialty pieces that are barely usable outside of that 1 set design. Like the giant cockpit things that are 1 big hinged piece.

    One option: They could have used leather for basic armor and then turtle shells for a better set and then gold for the best. Just use existing things and combine them in new ways. It is so much better that way.

    There are SO many things in MC that have exactly 0 or 1 purpose and nothing more and that is such a shame.

  • I saw this a few years ago and it has stuck with me.

    “The economy isn’t talking about me and you, it’s referring to corporations and executives and shareholders and such.”

    The economy could be doing amazing and we have 50% unemployment.

    The economy could also be doing terrible and we have 0% unemployment.

    The economy could also be doing amazing and the workers don’t make enough to survive.

    It isn’t measuring what many people seem to think it is. It isn’t a measure of “how well the average person is doing” at all.