I’m not mad.
Wotc would probably have another controversy right before release and the resulting backlash would cause it not to have a sequel.
The perfect commander for a gate themed deck. https://youtu.be/tW1ijfPwmCc?si=RaYmYWhFIf7fXot1
In the Web of War and Ogre Battledriver had a baby.
Strange that a gremlin produce falls under the enemy colors for the gremlin’s primary colors.
Yeah you just describe what you want and they will tend to do it. I just get away with walk-ins at JCPenney salons, but if you get particular about your style you can find a stylist or barber that can learn how you like your hair.
My hair was about 3ft long at the beginning of last year. I’d normally go for a haircut every two to four months and ask for them to take two inches off and add layering.
Last summer it was getting too hot gardening with how thick my hair gets, so I asked for the back of my head to get shaved as an undercut about at my glasses line. Hair looked the same when worn down, but I could put it up to cool things down. I had to go in every month or two though to keep it short enough to keep me cool, so every other haircut I asked for two inches off and layering.
I let the undercut grow out from October to June, and had maybe 6 inches of hair? With no layering it looked a bit flat when I wore my hair down.
This summer I decided to get a Mohawk for better ventilation. Asked for the sides to be buzzed leaving about a 4 inch wide strip running from scalp to back of neck, for 6 inches off the longest part of the hair that was not originally part of the undercut, and layering to be added to both the longest portion and what was the undercut.
I typically wear my hair to the side, so it looks like I just have a little undercut and can pull my hair back when gardening to cool off. It would probably look silly if I put up my hair with gel, but after 6inches of hair it really is a pain to put that up. Also I have a kid, so there is no time for extensive styling.
Over winter I’ll probably aim for every two to four months for haircuts since I don’t need the sides so short. Goal is probably 6 inches off the longest part until it levels out, and then just decide how long I want it in that style.
Could be cute with cards that prevent damage prevention like questing beast or skull crack, but this thing will die if you even think about it.
You discard the card as a part of paying the spell. So if you copy it, take control of it, or counter it the cost is already paid and counts for the spell.
This looks really good for one black and two generic.
I think survivors are going to be a strong type once we get to the interplanar race set between vehicles and mounts.
Valgavoth is expanding into JK Rowling’s estate.
“A character returns as a legendary creature that first appeared in flavor text in Alpha”
So this is Norin the Wary and not Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar if there is only going to be one alpha quoted character, right?
"Some of the other guys dared me to touch it, but I knew it weren’t no ordinary hunk o’ rock."Norin the Wary -Jade Statue
Nothing more caring then replacing large portions of your customer support team with a system that doesn’t need health insurance or vacation time.
This doesn’t feel very blue. I’d probably put it in mono white or maybe black.
Could you use Not Dead After All with Kaio to drop him to 0 loyalty with his third ability, immediately bounce him back on board to get an emblem, and at end of turn drain from the role dropping off of him?
It is a lot of fun.
I tend run ninjas for repeat etb, vehicles for her to crew the turn she hits the board, a small sweet of returning creatures from graveyard to hand cards, and some cards that care about controlling one creature like Deadly Wanderings and Homicidal Seclusion.
It felt very on brand for neon dynasty. My latest version of the deck introduced attractions
There are 16 rooms cards in the set so far. If you get Central Elevator you can tutor room cards, and you can use her to reset that room for repeat searches. Promising Staircase is also an alt win con for her that comes attached to your tutor engine and lets you better set her up for an ETB trigger through surveil 1 on upkeeps.
First tutor would likely be Bottomless Pool so you could pay {U} to bounce her to hand, recast her to refill your hand, and then following turns to reset a bounce engine.