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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • People in western nations are largely responsible for climate change. Someone in Syria won’t be flying around the world and buying new clothes all the time. But they will be the ones hit the hardest by climate change, so they will likely either die or become refugees trying to come to the west.

    Also, a lot of our western wealth is based on exploitation of those nations (through colonialism and later capitalism or wars). So if westerners don’t want people from poor countries to come to the west they should help those nations to recover from that exploitation.

    Furthermore we need to do these things, because a bigger influx of desperate migrants will steer western politics even further to the right. That’s never a great thing and will lead to more inequality and possibly the collapse of our democratic systems.

    Finally to your point about migrants being more criminal. That is largely a result of worse economic circumstances and outlooks. Improve their chances and watch the crime rate drop.

  • I know the general gist of the situation. Low spending from domestic households, real estate bubble, excessive government influence on industry scaring investors, and so on.

    My problem with it is that most headlines make it sound like it’s all gonna implode spectacularly tomorrow. The articles themselves usually paint a more reasonable picture of the situation, similar to your comment. But most people don’t read the article. They just see the headline over and over.

  • It’s the most popular and most hated newspaper in Germany. I would put it at a similar level as Rupert Murdoch’s shit rags.

    They usually have dubious journalistic standards, write exaggerated headlines and harass their targets. They also constantly badmouth progressive or environmental causes because their shitty publisher, Axel Springer Verlag, has a very imperialist neoliberal agenda that they enforce in all their publications. I blame them in part for the popularity of AfD, even though they don’t directly endorse them (as far as I know).

  • Mate, it’s a little too easy to just blame foreign agents and idiots for all this mess. The radicalization process of the GOP has been going on for decades, the social divide has been widening and the US media is doing its part to stir the pot. Sure, Russian trolls played a part in whipping up the frenzy, but the main problem is a home made one, of unchecked capitalism without any regard for whom it might hurt. Without it, trolls wouldn’t have anything to feed on. Happy, well educated people don’t fall for that shit.

    US have been living on a policy of fuck you, got mine for decades. It’s a political, cultural and economical problem and it wasn’t invented by foreign agents, it’s home made. People are desperate, uneducated and feeling disenfranchised. If you present them an easy answer and act like you hear their problems, they’re gonna love you for it. A president like Trump was just a matter of when, not if. Blaming stupid people and foreigners won’t fix shit.

    Also, it’s quite ironic that you have so many spelling mistakes, in a paragraph making fun of people for not being able to spell empathy…