Tucker Carlson don’t got that Seth Rogan build type for a mission like that…
Tucker Carlson don’t got that Seth Rogan build type for a mission like that…
Damn, this mf really found a way to use Lemmy to fulfill their abusive message fetish. I respect this deeply.
It’s the opposite. The pool of young people to pull from is smaller everyday.
In this regard, Russia has the advantage where they can just keep throwing more and more bodies into the war without major unrest. Luckily Wagner is gone, as they had the human wave then special forces combo down to a science, but the problem of Russia having exponentially more manpower at their disposal remains unless they begin drafting all Women between ages 18 - 60. Which will likely never happen.
You do realize many of the women raped were probably Muslim too? Its not religion that brought that rather then racism… people keep failing to understand this. Or rather it makes you feel justified in your own hatred rather then reading the actual fucking article.
Yes. Theres plenty of Jewish activitsts blocking Isreali consulates and weapons factories in the West. There is also anti war jews in Israel. There are plenty of bloodthirsty, pro war Christian zionists in the West but the anti Christian narrative isint at play here despite they in our political class supporting this fully.
Promoting antisemitism will just make it harder for those people to meaningfully act in solidairty.
" We don’t think you fight fire with fire best ; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. "
Not to mention all the destruction of farms, the poisoning of water sources, all the destroyed vehicles and rotting corpses of men and animals alike laid everywhere.
They will be calling this the 2nd Nakba. Not only is it a massacre of the people, the Palestinians last remaining lands have been salted. Gaza looks like Stalingrad.
It is an entirely man made disaster. Or state made disaster if you will.
For years many in Syria have said that WW3 has already begun and is being fought in the middle east. You could very well argue this is the opening stage of World War 3. We’re only one misclick, or one civilian airliner being shot down away from even greater catastrophe.
Latin America is just ahead of the curve. In the West we will continue protesting and putting pressure on our politicans like the world did to the West when it supported aparthied South Africa.
Keep pretending as if the rest of the world’s opnions don’t matter. You will be even more enraged and shocked as the walls continue to come down on this genocide perpetuating government. Netanyahu must go!
Of course not, but Biden admin is panicking because if the Israeli’s keep this going eventually the de facto regional war that is going on will become a de jure one.
They are pretty much begging Isreal to not erode any more of their legitimacy in the middle east and globally. It is not working.
For sure, conscription in of itself is criminal but like the USA during Vietnam, poor people,ethnic minorities and developmentally disabled men are disproportionately grabbed off the streets and litteraly forced into service.
The men in Moscow and St Petersburg seem to still have avoided such issiues this deep into the war.
Maybe conscription is the wrong word to use, and more like state sponsored cleansing of " undesirables." Certainly helped the state reduce spending on male prison populations…
Best I can offer is another withdrawal from Afghanistan tier retreat.
The Israel situation is not helping (in the near term, at least).
Yep. This is a issiue sensitive to many black folk in the USA as well. Democrats unwavering support for the police and more or less indifference to the worsening economic conditions for the black community at large will not help either.
Biden will also likely more formally deploy troops into the middle east after some sort of golf of Tonkin esque incident takes place in the Mediterranean.
More talk of war on terror after a pretty difficult recovery from the pandemic is not music to anyone ears, especially not the working class Black people who have a really hard time these last few years.
Biden is not the man who will get these people back on board.
I’d say Angela Davis is pretty well known. She was part of the reason why the FBI made COININTELPRO.
You should read up on her. She’s had a wild life.
while I agree U.N. isn’t very effective at preventing conflict, its still an international forum that large countries can use to exert power.
Theres a reason why France, UK, USA always vote lock in step at the security council. America will never willingly leave the U.N. as long as it helps them wield and influence power globally.
Why the hell is an article from September 4th being posted as news now lol? The G20 wraped last month.
Germans were not prepared for winter fighting and had stretched their supply lines thin. It was more then just the cold that stopped the Germans.
Fun fact, Nazi Germany was more reliant on horses then armour throughout ww2 for transport.
Public opinion to the contrary, so great was the dependence of the Nazi Blitzkrieg upon the horse that the numerical strength of German Army horses maintained during the entire war period averaged around 1,100,000. Of the 322 German Army and SS divisions extant in November 1943, only 52 were armored or motorized. Of the November 1944 total of 264 combat divisions, only 42 were armored or motorized. The great bulk of the German combat strength—the old-type infantry divisions—marched into battle on foot, with their weapons and supply trains propelled almost entirely by four-legged horsepower. The light and mountain divisions had an even greater proportion of animals, and the cavalry divisions were naturally mainly dependent on the horse
That said, the Soviets being invaded was the decisive factor in the war. The invaded will always fight harder then the invader. For the most part anyways.
The Germans were already loosing by 1943, wasting tons of resources doing the holocaust as well. The Western allies opening up the Italian and French fronts only increased the speed of this.
I’ve heard some Ukranians refer to this as their own" great patriotic war ." And its true.
This war will define this generation of Ukranians like how that war defined those generations who fought it, and made a legacy for those who would come after them.
Ben Givir and his armed fellowship of settlers apparently.
Israel has been a fairly large supporter of Ukraine in terms of equipment and ammunition and such.
Can I ask where you read this? That seems blatantly untrue.
Isreal’s lack of overt support to Ukraine has been a ongoing issiue from early on of the 2022 invasion. Western nations were also asking Isreal to help and they still refused.
Also, if you assume war materials are finite resources… Israel is going to be less likely to share if they have an active war on their own home turf.
Well the Isrealis are almost out of certain types of ammo and needed the Americans to drop them literal tons to keep the fighting going.
The Americans are the ones supplying both Ukraine and Isreal, Isreal had the chance to help supply Ukraine before but that chance is out the window now.
Genuinely asking, how is that any better? And really, if you were trying to stop fragmentation from killing other people in a room wouldn’t your actual core do a better job of that then your legs?
We are reaching the final logical conclusions of capitalism with Canadian characteristics.
They will allow Amazon to build their " all inclusive " worksites where the workers can’t actually leave. These megacorporations are more powerful then the state is.