• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t think they need excuses, no. But there is a limit to how much you can realistically get out of a stone.

    The world economy has absorbed fuck all, because a lot of, if not all, bad debt is still floating around the markets, hidden in swaps overnight repo, and similar mechanics. I don’t care if you believe me, it’s crazy talk for sure. It doesn’t even matter a single bit if I am right, because there’s fuck all to do about it for most day to day people. I’m also not being alarmist in: OH BUY GOLD NOW, PREP YOUR BUNKERS!!!

    I would much rather be wrong here. Would be fan-fucking-tastic, and if I am, good. That’d be literally the best for everyone.

    All I’m saying is, the underlying issues that keep leading to these market upsets aren’t resolved and CS, et al are just minor break outs of a major issue that keeps bubbling and boiling. Fucked if I knew when it’ll blow, but the next time it does, will be bigger than anything we’ve seen. Just these three banks failing in 2022 was already much larger in value than the entirety of 2008-2009 collapses.

    Again, it doesn’t matter what I think or say. I don’t know if I’m right either, how could I? No one does. I just believe that it’s much more likely that the same fucks that caused 2008, who never saw any consequences whatsoever and are still running the show, never changed their greedy underhanded and horrible ways and 2008 was never resolved either, than all of them having a change of heart and never doing anything shifty or illegal ever again, cross their hearts and hope to die.

  • There’s still a full on America+China+EU sized market crash boiling under that “booming” surface. I don’t know quite how they staved it off with just Credit Suisse and two other banks imploding so far. But it’s not done, it’s not finished, it hasn’t even started.

    No idea what backroom deals were done in the financial sector to stop it all for now, but it’s still coming. Otherwise corporations wouldn’t still be bleeding the plebs dry with cost of living and trying to offset their shitty investments on the CBMS as well as fighting tooth and nail to keep students indebted forever, so the party can keep on rolling.

    It’s an utter clusterfuck. We’ll see what happens in the next few years.

  • No, this is actually huge for NATO and comparatively a big show of strength. NATO isn’t a monolithic military like the US or Russian military. NATO is an alliance spanning the globe and nations from all over the world are participating. The amount of logistics required to pull it off is tremendous and that alone shows what they can do.

    If we compare that to the largest “maneuver” Russia held in recent memory, that was the shoring up of their invasion forces in 2018 along the Ukranian border, disguised as a maneuver.

    While meat wave tactics will eventually wear down even the staunchest defender, Russia is just as stuck in Ukraine as Ukraine is trying to push out Russia. Ukraine is a single country, not part of an alliance like NATO. While they receive a lot of aid, a lot is still being withheld (think certain long range missile systems, aircraft, etc.). Numbers don’t matter all that much against superior logistics and the ability to raze the enemies logistics to the ground.

    Remember how columns of supply trucks got obliterated in the first days of the invasion? Russia tried to go for Blitzkrieg but failed hard. If your supply lines are cut, you’re done. Doesn’t matter how many soldiers you got. Once they are starved of ammunition and food, your army stops being effective at being an army. They can barely keep an army supplied that sits right at their own border, while suffering relatively few strikes at any of their infrastructure within their own borders.

    NATO demonstrating that they can coordinate such large numbers and keep supply going, should sufficiently scare the ever living crap out of most opposing military analysts, because that’s how you win wars.

  • I love that capitalism is more concerned about setting precedent here than saving lives, yet nonsense like civil forfeiture in the US leads to millions stolen from regular people each year. It’s always only about whose bottom line is affected. Can’t make a case for seizing foreign assets and redistributing them. That would mean everyone can do it and after all, it’s a large club of very white gentlemen who have backroom agreements on this kind of stuff. If they do this with Russian assets, what’s gonna stop China from doing the same with US assets!? How could we ever keep up with international trade and investments and tax evasion schemes, if we allow such horrible treatment of the most vulnerable billionaires of our society?

    Shit’s fucked.

  • It’s not a half truth, it’s a full truth. Doesn’t mean your statements are untrue or mutually exclusive. There were certainly Nazis being used and recruited directly into other services on the end of the allies, no doubt. US rocket development is a great example on that.

    But I am talking about the majority of just the basic German administration, public, medical, engineering and civil servants, and just the people in general. That’s hundreds of thousands of jobs and structures that simply couldn’t be replaced but also wasn’t filled with the brightest and smartest super suited to the things you’re talking about. It wasn’t just the SS and top brass that were Nazis. It went through and through the entire society. And you really cannot simply throw these kinds of people in jail without having replacements ready. Up to 45 million Germans were part of Nazi organizations and thus affiliated with the ruling party that had been overthrown.


    There were simply too many, so prosecution was deemed impossible at scale. It’s a really interesting process, but the allies tried, but it lead to problems

  • One of the greatest failures of both past and current administrations. The reason a majority of Nazis weren’t put on trial was simply: If they had, every single structure would have fallen apart, because they were in every level of administration, etc. There simply - from the perspective of the allies - weren’t any people that could replace these structures adequately. So they didn’t pursue. Same with the 2008 financial crisis. A single banker got charged. Why? Because they would have had to fully dismantle every established system to really root out the people responsible, because they’re so interconnected. Stabilizing the shit ass system was a priority over seeking justice.

    It always will be, if the infestation just spreads far and deep enough. Which is becoming a real concern again.

  • Saw a right wing outlet do an interview with Sellner, the main speaker at that event yesterday.

    Typical right wing nonsense.

    “Immigrants who are extremist and do not integrate must leave! But only in the confines of the existing legal framework, or the way we can adjust it!”

    The issue is and has always been: how do you send someone back if you do not know where back is? They destroy their papers, lie about who they are and now what? They address this by not addressing it as hr says, those that do that must be expelled from Germany. WHERE TO, MOTHERFUCKER?

    And that’s where the issue comes up. They are discussing setting up an “example state” somewhere in Africa where they can just deport anyone to. Even cheekily mentioned that those that wish to help immigrants can go and do that in that state.

    WHAT STATE YOU FUCKWIT? Where will this be set up without massively violating some States sovereignty?

    They don’t need to have or display practical solutions, since it is all dog whistles anyway. Their cesspool voter base knows that this means camps and deportation into said camps, no matter where they are.

    Love the cunt banging on about how economic migrants are bad and yet somehow they want to help the countries of origin by stopping their brain drain towards Germany, all in a time where our replacement levels and thus support for elderly are impossible without migration.

    These racist fucks always sing the same tunes.