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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • Don’t you have masks you use to meet people? Slowly warm in and try to find out what they’re like?

    Before remote work, that was one of the adult avenues of meeting new groups of people. Friends of friends are cool when you get involved in stuff they do and you don’t. Dare say, met cool people on the more questions focused dating sites where we didn’t have romantic interest but the conversation was cool.

    Sometimes rekindling relations also gets you to meet the people they hang around nowadays…

  • Vegan =/= health, salted fries, palm oil and ketchup is all vegan and I doubt you think of it as healthy.

    But anyways, only reason healthy food would be cheaper than non healthy one is if there’s taxes on the non healthy stuff. Non healthy stuff is sold because it’s cheaper or tastier. If they can add the healthy label to sell more they will.

    Have a friend that did a masters in psychology which paper was about Biological food. Anything you see with that label gets a price hike. Rarely the on the actual products tested there were feasible differences because biological isn’t a well defined concept.

    Father of a friend plants biological tomatoes for himself. For his peers, you just need to not add chemicals and treat that plant biologically. He however only accepted produce as biological if the seeds came from a platelet treated as such, so his biological stuff is second generation onwards.

    Since the concept isn’t clearly defined, it’s bs and companies use whatever they can to make a buck.

  • Good code is self documenting as in you don’t need to describe what it is doing and it is clear to read. Whoever says that and isn’t just repeating what they heard understands that whenever you are doing something not explicit in the code it should be on a comment.

    Workarounds and explaining you need to use this structure instead of another for some reason are clear examples, but business hints are another useful comment. Or sectioning the process (though I prefer descriptive private functions or pragma regions for that).

    It also addresses the hint that the code should be readable because you’re not going to have comments to explain spaghetti. Just a hint, doesn’t prevent it. Others also said it, comments are easier to get outdated as you don’t have the compiler to assist. And outdated comments lead to confusion.