• IndiBrony@lemmy.world
    11 days ago

    People are going way too hard on that shit. The most recent link to Scientology is a picture from 2013. The Masterson stuff she released a statement saying she attended the preliminary hearing, but dissociated from him when the evidence came to light.

    She has avoided talking about Scientology but I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for now. They are a seriously scary bunch to deal with and I wouldn’t blame her for not directly denouncing them in fear of what they may do. We’re talking about a corrupt organisation which actively destroys the lives of its dissenters without remorse.

    I’m sure Mike would not vibe well with a genuine rape apologist and mental health denier given Chester’s past. At the end of the day, even if I don’t trust Emily 100%, I trust Mike Shinoda, and if he says she’s cool, then I’m willing to believe him.