The indictment says that Mr. Trump not only took from the White House classified documents that he was not authorized to possess but also that he showed them to visitors and political cronies at his country club. One of the documents involved a potential attack on another country, which The New York Times has reported was Iran. “Isn’t it amazing?” he asked one visitor, brandishing the document. During that conversation Mr. Trump acknowledged that he knew the document was “a secret,” the indictment said.

    1 year ago

    It’s absolutely insane that we have a former President showing off some of the most classified information just for clout.

    I think that it will be years before we really understand the full impact of this. What he’s shown people and what adversaries have access to now.

    He deserves to be in ADX Florence for the rest of his life.

      1 year ago

      It’s absolutely insane that we have a former President showing off some of the most classified information just for clout.

      The fact that he was caught doing it so casually to someone for no benefit without a second thought indicates to me that he definitely profited off of it too.