She’s almost 70, spend all day watching q-anon style of videos (but in Spanish) and every day she’s anguished about something new, last week was asking us to start digging a nuclear shelter because Russia was dropped a nuclear bomb over Ukraine. Before that she was begging us to install reinforced doors because the indigenous population were about to invade the cities and kill everyone with poisonous arrows. I have access to her YouTube account and I’m trying to unsubscribe and report the videos, but the reccomended videos keep feeding her more crazy shit.

    1 year ago

    Maybe not so far fetched. I work in hospice, with the vast majority of the patients I see in their 75-95+yo range. While most have no interest in technology, it’s not uncommon for the elderly to have “that grandchild” that helps everyone set up their cell phone, “get the Netflix to work,” set up Ring doorbells, etc. I’ve even known some to ask their grandchild to help their equally elderly neighbor (who doesn’t have any local family) with their new TV. It’s a thing.