Hey folks. Got a pixel 7 pro, and it’s been alright, except suddenly, if I press the fingerprint sensor on the lock screen for just a split second, it makes the WHOLE SCREEN go full-brightness, with a green tinge. I know it’s always lit up the scanner area, which is all it lights up if I hold the sensor, but if I release it early it’s actually very uncomfortable. Any suggestions besides the obvious “don’t let go 5head”? Is this an android version bug, a hardware issue? Anyone else had this happen?

Edit: autocorrect

Edit 2:

  • Jean_Lurk_Picard@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    To be perfectly honest this is why I don’t like Pixels. Every manufacturer has issues of course. I’m not saying Pixels are bad, just I wouldn’t get them because of personal preference and the design. The Pixel 4s constantly had battery issues because of the quality of the material used for the battery connector. The Pixel 5s were actually pretty good in terms of hardware issues. The Pixel 6s were nightmares. Constantly having battery or screen issues. As for the 7s I can’t say as I stopped repairing phones a year ago