Virginia implemented new anti-transgender policies for schools, but Fairfax County Public Schools will not comply with them. The new policies go against federal law by restricting bathroom access for transgender students and allowing teachers to ignore using students’ chosen names and pronouns. Studies show that affirming policies help transgender students feel safer and have better educational outcomes. FCPS affirmed its commitment to protecting transgender students and allowing them to fully participate as their authentic selves. The policies have faced opposition from residents, students, and civil rights groups who argue they violate nondiscrimination laws and harm transgender youth. Superintendent Reid echoed that affirming policies are critical to providing quality education for all students. Overall, the new state policies have ignited debate around balancing students’ welfare with claims of parental rights.
It is facism when a minority ruling class tries to enforce their own moral standards on to every day people by way of actively suppressing and oppressing minorities. When they turn minorities in to evil boogie men than need to be eliminated to distract form them looting the country blind to benefit their rich supporters.
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“ I don’t care what the Jews do in their personal life, I just don’t want them teaching my kids Bolshevism and degeneracy” ~ how hitler convinced people to commit genocide. You’ve already fallen for step 1
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No one is asking you to celebrate them, people are just asking you not to make their existence or mentioning them illegal. That’s step one to in a path to another holocaust.
Do you not see that they’re pulling the wool over your eyes to cover up the continued consolidation of corporate power? This culture war bullshit is just a distraction and a way for them to tighten the screws of authoritarian control.
Next thing they’ll be arguing they need to prevent anonymity on the web to fight the “gay agenda” or that they need to be able to search people’s homes for “gay propoganda” without a warrant.
Says the one who jumped to sexualising children. Nobody is talking about their sex lives.
And if we’re on the topic. Straightness is forced down everyone’s throats, all the movies and TV shows that contain straight couples. An insanely high majority. Guarantee you’re fine with your kids knowing someone is straight. Homophobic asshole.
Given the fact that the government won’t leave us alone, you can sod right off with your “nobody cares what you do” nonsense.
They very, very obviously do care.