Free office suite – the evolution of OpenOffice. Compatible with Microsoft .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx. Updated regularly, community powered.
In a vacuum, it would be a decent replacement.
In fact, MS Office 365 is getting worse every month.
However, the world still can’t seem to stop sucking Microsoft’s cock.
So, to turn in an assignment in university, it has to be done in Microsoft Office. Maybe if you write it in another program, the anti-plagiarism software will accept it, but you don’t know that in advance.
And if it doesn’t, your assignment counts as not turned in on time.
And in business, the old saying “no one ever got fired for buying IBM” still holds true.
Other solutions exist, but if the head of the IT department pitches ditching Microsoft, and the project fails, they risk their job.
While simply telling the C-Suite “This is how much licensing costs per year” is the safe option.
Here, they also request PDFs.
But they specifically request them to be created by exporting from MS Office.
The requirement doesn’t come from the uni, it comes from the plagiarism detection service turnitin.
I’m on my last semester of IT and, barring Lockdown Browser, I’ve done it in Fedora.
Dual boot for that gawd-awful Lockdown Browser. That said, Libre doesn’t play super nice with all the MS stuff I need to do, so it can be hair-pulling at times. But, well, MS can bite me.
I wish that every PC that gets trashed because it’s not Windows 11 compatible got dumped on the front lawn of MS headquarters for them to deal with.
In a vacuum, it would be a decent replacement.
In fact, MS Office 365 is getting worse every month.
However, the world still can’t seem to stop sucking Microsoft’s cock.
So, to turn in an assignment in university, it has to be done in Microsoft Office.
Maybe if you write it in another program, the anti-plagiarism software will accept it, but you don’t know that in advance.
And if it doesn’t, your assignment counts as not turned in on time.
And in business, the old saying “no one ever got fired for buying IBM” still holds true.
Other solutions exist, but if the head of the IT department pitches ditching Microsoft, and the project fails, they risk their job.
While simply telling the C-Suite “This is how much licensing costs per year” is the safe option.
What kind of University are you studying on? Here they always requested you to upload PDFs
Here, they also request PDFs.
But they specifically request them to be created by exporting from MS Office.
The requirement doesn’t come from the uni, it comes from the plagiarism detection service turnitin.
Luckily my university doesn’t use that snake oil bullshit
What The actual fuck?
I’m on my last semester of IT and, barring Lockdown Browser, I’ve done it in Fedora. Dual boot for that gawd-awful Lockdown Browser. That said, Libre doesn’t play super nice with all the MS stuff I need to do, so it can be hair-pulling at times. But, well, MS can bite me. I wish that every PC that gets trashed because it’s not Windows 11 compatible got dumped on the front lawn of MS headquarters for them to deal with.