Here you go, I added some pixels to your post:
This topic has been pinned, so it’s probably important
Fucking hell I was looking for my glasses. Thought it was me 😄
I usually just use my indexer, save a bunch of times and look up which file was modified within the last few seconds, preferably a .sav
Wait what, can you explain the setup please? I think I need this
I use “everything” from voidtools to find files since windows search sucks. Usually if I go look for “.sav” and there is a file very recently modified, it’s the game’s savefile.
Plot twist: they are not lying and everything is stored in tar balls
the saves are stored in the balls (in the balls.) the saves are stored in the balls (in the balls)
You gotta start posting the games.
Has to be a New Blood game
Edit: actually it’s in the screenshot : Dusk