@alyaza@beehaw.org is MIA currently, but this weekly thread has been so awesome to see and keep going; so I am making what would be her typical post for this week. Alyaza; stay safe friend, I hope everything is okay.

Beeple, how’s your mid week going so far??

  • jarfil@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Worsening 📉

    Last week I got my trauma appointment, fast tracked from next year, which was a nice surprise, and the doctor, nurses and staff turned out to be really nice and helpful, more than usual 😀. This week it turned out they’ve also fast tracked another appointment for a test, called me Monday to go right on Tuesday 😯… which turned out to basically confirm that my left leg is partly MIA, while the right is only slightly better 🤦. The next day I got a notification of another fast tracked appointment, for rehabilitation… and noticed that they’ve switched it form “normal” to, not just “priority”, but “urgent”… which explains the whole fast tracking, and now got me really worried 😟.

    I can still walk around, but ever so slower, have to take a seat every few minutes, if I walk for too long I start falling over, can’t stay seated for too long without my back killing me, even on painkillers, and my left arm full on wakes me up at night when they wear off. Work is off the table, can barely do anything around the house, going to the nearest pharmacy requires “going uphill both ways” (literally), can’t start tackling the other problems like debt, inheritance (more debt, plus taxes, plus family drama), can’t really make any plans for the future, and next week I might end up home alone (with cats) without anyone to lend a hand.

    On the “bright” side, the brain fog I’ve had for about a year after last time I got COVID, seems to be slowly lifting, which makes me see everything more clearly… or how many fires I’ve got to put off 🔥😰🔥